As much I love summer, I have to admit that fall is one of my favorite seasons of the year. Not only does a new dance season start and I can replace the void in my heart that I feel every summer when the dance is not in session, but fall comes with just about everything beautiful that life has to offer. Even if you are not a fan of the fall season, there is at least one thing that you enjoy that no other season has.
1. All of the insects die.
I think this is one we can all agree to love. Because let's admit it, it's nice to go outside and not get attacked by mosquitos and flies every ten seconds. And although it's sad to think about the insects dying that you actually like, like seeing dragonflies, or falling asleep to the sound of grasshoppers when you are camping or have a window open at night, it's also nice to get a break from itchy bug bites.
2. Comfy clothes.
Who doesn't love sweatpants and a warm sweater? Personally, I hate the cold more than most people do, but fall is a nice excuse to get away with wearing nothing but sweatpants, leggings, and oversized sweaters.
3. Socks!
Personally, I hate shoes and socks, but when it gets cold, socks are my best friend. And when I say socks I mean all and every kind. Long, wool, knitted, fleece, and everyone's personal favorite, fuzzy. Because do you really feel all put together in your life if you're NOT wearing fuzzy socks? I didn't think so.
4. Fall activities.
Apple picking, corn mazes, fairs, hayrides, pumpkin patches, and more. I know that other seasons have activities that are just as fun, but fall has a lot of activities that feel more laid back and does not need to have as much planning around it to do.
5. Fall scents.
Cinnamon, apple, and pumpkin scented everything! Because there's just something about walking into a place and smelling the cinnamon mixed with an apple or pumpkin scent that makes you feel all warm and happy inside. Not to mention all of the flavors that comes out of this too, candles, coffee, air fresheners, lotions, and just about everything companies can think of to make.
6. Seasonal changes.
I know this means that things like grass and trees are dying, but let's admit it, it's too pretty not to love. All of the vibrant colors of the leaves give a natural light to the earth, even when the sun is not out. And yes, this means that the trees and the grass are dying, but they will always come back to life in the spring. Plus the crunch of the leaves under your feet and the ability to jump in leaf piles, priceless.
7. Warm drinks and food.
Hot chocolate, pies, cookies, bread, and just about anything you can bake! I don't know why, but there's something about the fall that makes baking feel a hundred times better. Plus it makes your house warm and smell amazing. By now my kitchen smells permanently like cinnamon from all the years of fall baking it's seen, and I'm completely fine with this fate.
8. The holidays.
I'm not a big holiday person, but it does bring everyone together and give an excuse to make food. And I think that's anyone's favorite thing about any holiday.
9. Halloween!
Because Halloween needs its own reason on this list because everything about it is perfect (totally not being biased right now because it's my favorite holiday as well). The costumes, the trick or treating, the candy, and the endless amount of scary and Halloween related movies being played. Because honestly, would it really be Halloween without the 13 nights of Halloween or 31 days of Halloween on the SyFy channel? I don't think so.
10. Hiking.
Yes, I am fully aware that you can hike in almost every season. But hiking in the fall is a whole different experience than in the winter, spring, or summer. Fall is dry so it is not as wet as the Spring, and it is also not too cold or blistering hot. Plus, the earth looks completely different in its fall colors, and in my opinion is the most beautiful.
Fall is arguably one of the best seasons in one way or another. Not everyone enjoys everything about fall or on this list, but there is at least one positive thing we can enjoy about fall, and that it is not winter. And let's be honest, fall saves us from the shock of the hot summers compared to the cold winters, and that in itself is amazing. Even though fall means that winter is coming, we might as well enjoy it while it is still here before the terrible winters that New England holds.