Now-a-days, I think there's a pump up playlist for just about anything you could think of (yes, you guys, anything...). Which is why I'm obligated to share my own playlist for tomorrow's festivities. But it's probably safe to say that only the titles are actually things you should share with your entire family... You'll see what I mean.
1. Corona And Lime - Shwayze
Sometimes this is just what it takes to make it through the holiday season.
2. Food, Glorious Food - Oliver (The Musical)
Some of us have been waiting for a good home-cooked meal all semester, so this could definitely be a song to get us in the eating mood. Hopefully, if you ask nicely, you could have some more after your first helping.
3. Biscuits - Kacey Musgraves
If you're looking for a staple "Go to first" food, biscuits are definitely one of the more popular goodies found on the table. They're quick, and easy to make, and even easier to pop into your mouth before blessing the food. And if one of your siblings wants to tattle, you can always tell them to mind their own biscuits.
4. Cooked Food - Wretch 32
This goes out to all the foods out on your tables that I couldn't find a song dedicated to. I guess turkey doesn't make for a very good rhyme, so we'll have to forgive the artists until we find a suitable way to incorporate it. And here's to hoping that all your cooked food is cooked to perfection.
5. Mashed Potatoes - Nat Kendricks
Oh, mashed potatoes, you make me feel exactly how this song describes. Pour a little gravy and add a dab of butter on top, and I'm set.
6. Eat It - "Weird Al" Yankovic
It's about mid-meal when that mixture of accomplishment and the need to throw up from being so stuffed hits. You're only on your second helping of turkey, my friend, so in the words of Weird Al, "Just Eat it."
7. Broccoli - D.R.A.M.
We can't forget our serving of veggies, of course. You can only avoid it for so long before someone notices and scoops a healthy portion onto your plate for you. There's also a song about collard greens out there for those who don't have broccoli on Thanksgiving.
8. Cherry Pie - Warrant
We've finally made it to the dessert course, and what kind of Thanksgiving meal are you having if you're not having pie? Throw in the obvious sexism of the 90s, which somehow blends in with dinner topic discussions (who'd of thunk-it?) and your meal is complete. (Just for the record, we can't be friends if you think dropping pie is ever acceptable)
9. American Pie - Don Mclean
Pie seems to be a pretty big subject in the food realm. But what's more American than a nice pie? Funny enough, Weird Al did a parody of this song too.
10. Peaches N Cream - Snoop Dogg ft. Charlie Wilson
If pie isn't your style (but sexism is, I guess?), I have another song that might be more your taste.
Enjoy turkey day, folks, and don't forget to be thankful!