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Top 10 Pet Peeves

A list of things that drive me crazy.

Top 10 Pet Peeves

Though I try my best to be pleasant and understanding in my daily life, there are some things that just piss me off. I think most people have certain things that will always grind their gears. I cannot express how many times day to day someone does one of these annoyances and it takes all my strength to remain calm. And as humans, we sometimes like to complain, so today I am going to share with you a list of the things that piss me off the most, and hopefully you can relate.

10. People who talk to me when I have headphones in.

Hi, did you not see these white things in my ears that CLEARLY mean I am listening to something that is most likely far more interesting than what you have to say?! If someone has headphones in, they are literally saying DO NOT TALK TO ME. When I put headphones in for whatever reason, I have no desire to interact with people, and if you try to talk to me I'm going to be annoyed. Unless there's an emergency, if the headphones are in, shut up.

9. Slow walkers.

WHY ARE YOU WALKING SO SLOWLY?! There is nothing worse than trying to get from point A to point B and being stuck behind a human snail. Move. Get out of the way, I am trying to walk like a normal human and somehow am surrounded by morons who are taking their sweet time. Nothing pisses me off like someone who doesn't know how to walk efficiently. It's like road rage without the cars; if I had a horn I would be honking it.

8. Over sharers.

You KNOW that person when you are sitting in class and the professor asks a question, and this kid raises their hand and shares their whole life story. The question could be, "How does technology impact us?" and this idiot is like, "Well one time my brother's, ex-girlfriend's, third cousin twice removed, got catfished online when my parents were getting a divorce and then my grandmother died, and he told us the story about it at my grandmother's funeral." By the end of this, you know more than you ever wanted to know about this complete stranger, and you have a huge case of second hand embarrassment. Please spare us all the details, no one cares.

7. Poor grammar.

Please, for the love of God, educate yourself. Know the difference between you're and your, and there, their, and they're. If you are texting me, I don't care if you are the Queen of Sheba, if you have grammatical errors I am going to cringe while reading it. I could actually write a whole post about how much I can't stand common grammatical errors that people make, but I'll spare you the details. I'll just simply give you one of my favorite sayings: There's a difference between knowing your shit, and knowing you're shit.

6. People who don't cover their cough/sneeze.

Do I even need to explain this one? EW. I am a perfectly healthy individual who does not need your nasty germs being spread all over me. Did no one teach you common courtesy? It is not that hard to cough or sneeze into your elbow. Sneezing and coughing into the open is just plain disgusting.

5. People who are rude to waiters or waitresses.

As a waitress, this one is a no-brainer. It makes my blood boil when I see people being rude to wait staff or when customers are being mean to me. We. Are. Human. Beings. Not your servants. Half the shit you're complaining about isn't our fault, and we are doing the best we can. Also, you look like a total ASS. I've had fellow employees as well as other customers comment when a table is being rude, so check yourself.

4. Unnecessary touching.

You know those people who just grab you for no apparent reason? I hate when I'm having a conversation with someone and they feel the need to touch my leg, or arm or something weird. Do not touch me unless I've made it clear I want to be touched. Don't get me wrong, I love a good hug. What I don't love is people in my personal space for no apparent reason. Keep your paws to yourself.

3. Being called "honey."

DO I LOOK LIKE HONEY TO YOU?! The only person who is allowed to say honey is Winnie the Pooh. I am not your honey. And what pisses me off even more is when the person who calls me honey is my age or a few years older than me. I am not a child! It is so belittling I can't even handle it. Hun, honey, baby, sweetie, they all make me want to puke.

2. Staring.

What are you looking at? Can I help you? Take a picture, it'll last longer. I hate when I am minding my own business and all I notice is someone literally grilling me. It is rude to stare at someone for no apparent reason and it makes me super uncomfortable. Look away.

1. Complainers.

And if you didn't get the irony and sarcasm in the number one pet peeve, then that is another pet peeve.

There you have it, a list of things that drive me up the wall. Can you relate?

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