4098 Gifs of Puppies that are Basically You
Because you can’t not click an article about puppies
10 Things You Only Understand if you go to U of I
Because we’re the only college with a unique culture
An Open Letter to my Hot Chem TA
Because writing directly to you would be wildly inappropriate.
1222 Feelings You Have During Finals Week as Explained by Michael Scott
Because any Office reference will get you likes
232 Thoughts Everyone Has on The Eliptical
Because I work out too
99 Reasons You’re Grateful for your Freshman RA
Because playing hide and go seek with alcohol is sooooo much fun
50 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Date a Geed
Because who’s going to take me to their formal??
50 Reasons Why You Should Date a Geed
Because they can DEFINITLEY come to your formal.
207 Times Marie Curie was Bae
Because what would you do without Uranium.
347 Reasons Hillary Clinton Should Be Your Fashion Icon
Because Pant-suits are sooooo in this Spring!