When you applied to write for the Odyssey, you definitely did not realize what great a task it would be to come up with a new and exciting topic week after week after week. While you will love the comments and reactions from friends, relatives, and even old school teachers from near and far when you share the articles on social media, there are those weeks when you just have nothing to write about.
Here are 10 Odyssey Article topics you can follow when you are on a writer's block (just like me):
1. A letter to your family
2. Why your favorite book is your favorite book
3. Your bucket list
4. Why your college is the best
5. Your favorite hobbies
6. All of the places you traveled
7. Top 10 TV Shows
8. A list of your favorite foods
9. Current Events
10. A list of Odyssey Topic Ideas
Take advantage of your strong writing abilities and the endless possibilites for topics. Share your thoughts with the world!