Top 10 Nintendo 64 Games
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Top 10 Nintendo 64 Games

All of the best games to appears on one of the greatest Nintendo consoles ever.

Top 10 Nintendo 64 Games

Nothing breathes nostalgia to video gamers quite like the Nintendo 64. Maybe it’s those funky analog controllers with three handles that came with the system, or the memory of blowing on each and every cartridge before cramming it into your system. Most likely though, it’s the collection of quality games crammed into the systems relatively small library of 296 games.

Nintendo really went all in when they brought their games into the third dimension, creating classics that are still remembered today as some of the greatest video games out there. Picking the top ten of these games was no easy task, and this list will surely leave out some classics.

The only requirement is that it was only released on the N64 at its time of release (remakes on later Nintendo systems are still eligible.)

Before starting here are some honorable mentions:

Perfect Dark

Banjo Tooie

Paper Mario

Mario Party 2

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron

Pokemon Stadium

With that let’s get started.

10. Donkey Kong 64

British video game developer Rare dominated the Nintendo 64 with a plethora of amazing games so be prepared to see them appear multiple times on this list. Donkey Kong 64 brought the beloved Donkey Kong Country series into the third dimension, and man was this adventure jam packed. Players were given not one, not two, but five different Kong’s to explore and collect golden bananas in eight distinct and huge levels. The game was brimming with content and different collectibles to find. Plus, the DK rap is cheesy and amazing in its own right.

9. Conker’s Bad Fur Day

Another Rare game, Conker’s Bad Fur Day is not like any other platformer you will play. A complete 180 from the light hearted and kid friendly tone of Donkey Kong 64, Conker’s Bad Fur Day tells the story of a foul mouth squirrel who can’t find his way home after a night of heavy drinking. The player is treated to a hilarious, albeit mature, adventure lampooning pop culture. You’ll shoot the heads off of zombie squirrels, storm a Saving Private Ryan inspired beach against Nazi teddy bears, and yes even fight a ten story tall singing boss properly named the Great Mighty Poo. Unorthodox yes, but still a blast to play.

8.Banjo Kazooie

Once again a Rare game (won’t be the entire list I promise.) Banjo Kazooie may not have the same level of content as Donkey Kong 64 or the foul mouthed humor of Conker’s Bad Fur Day, but it makes up for this with amazing controls, top tier platforming, and a fun art style that’s sure to put a smile on anyone’s face. The simple story of a bear and his bird trying to stop an evil witch is the perfect jumping off point for some 3D platforming goodness. This is the game that told us Mario isn’t going to be the only king of platforming on the N64. Collecting musical notes and puzzle pieces had never been so fun.

7. Star Fox 64

Star Fox 64 was a huge step up from its predecessor on the Super Nintendo. For one thing, the space ships actually looked like spaceships and not fancy triangles. A rail shooting space adventure starring Fox McCloud and his team of anthropomorphic woodland critters as they save the Lylat System. It says something about this game that when you write Peppy’s favorite piece of advice “do a barrel roll” into google the screen will do just that. The branching paths also let people separate the men from the boys because we all know only the real men took the upper route.

6. Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask

After the completion of Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time the team only had one year to make their sequel Majora’s Mask and they did not waste anytime. Inspired by the Bill Murray classic Groundhog’s Day, Majora’s Mask has link repeating the same three days over and over again in order to halt the moon from crashing into the earth before he can stop it. The game may not have as many dungeons as other Zelda games, but it makes up for it with a plethora of side quests. Plus, the ability to turn into some of Zelda’s cool creatures like the aquatic Zoras, Mountainous Gorons, or plant like Deku’s was just too awesome.

5. Super Smash Bros

Super Smash Bros is a perfect example of what the N64 was truly all about, and what modern games are severely lacking, casual 4 player fun. Nintendo has created some of the most lovable and iconic characters in gaming, so naturally having a game built around them all beating each other to death was the next step. The controls were simple, allowing anyone to pick up a controller and start playing. Nothing was more satisfying than when you took out all three of your friends’ favorite characters with JigglyPuff, let’s be real he/she was the worst character.

4. Mario Kart 64

Arguably the best in the long running Mario Kart series, Mario Kart 64 brought a plethora of classic tracks like an insanely long rainbow road, wario stadium, and toad’s turnpike. Like Super Smash Bros the magic of Mario kart is in how easy it is to pick up but how hard it is to master. Hitting your friend in first with a well-placed blue shell on the final lap was sure to break friendships. Besides racing there was a just as fun battle mode where friendships could truly be broken.

3. Goldeneye 007

With First Person Shooters flooding the market of console gaming today, it’s weird to think there was a time where First Person Shooters on a console was not something you usually saw. This was of course before Goldeneye 007 hit the shelves. Probably the best game Rare ever made and potentially the best video game based off of a movie, Goldeneye 007 defined the console shooter. With tight controls that only needed one analog stick, and action packed levels, Goldeneye 007 was the perfect game to capsulate the James Bond film with the highest kill count. The real fun though, came from taking down your friends in multiplayer, which was actually an afterthought for the game.

2. Super Mario 64

When 3D gaming became possible, many developers struggled to figure out how to transform their many 2D platformers into a new 3D outing. Those developers just needed to wait for Mario to show them how it’s done. Bringing the platforming goodness of Mario was no easy task, but it was done almost flawlessly. And when you heard Mario utter his first words “It’s me Mario,” it was like seeing a toddler finally growing up. The fun of collecting 120 stars across a variety of unique open levels was the perfect way to kick off the N64’s launch.

1.Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Arguably the greatest game ever created, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is not only the best N64 game, but it is the perfect model for what can be done with gaming. A person can be whisked away on a grand adventure in a magical kingdom, overcoming tough trials and enemies to eventually save the world. Not only did this game revolutionize the action-adventure genre with innovations like z-targeting and context-sensitive buttons, but it opened new possibilities for storytelling in games. The game is also filled with classic levels and songs. Unlike the previous games on this list I’m not going to tell you what the game is about I’m just going to say to play it. You won’t regret it.

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