Every year people make New Year's Resolutions on December 31st, but by January 3rd have already abandoned the idea of their resolution. Most people join the gym hoping to lose weight as their New Year's resolution, and there is usually an increase in gym attendance for the month of January, but as the year progresses there is less and less attendance at the gym. We may ask ourselves why our New Year's Resolutions fail year after year, but we continue to make them in hopes that eventually our resolution will work out. The reason why resolutions fail is because there is too much stress brought on by the idea of an instant change. It is known fact that it takes 21 days to break a bad habit, but when people make New Year's resolutions, they are forcing themselves to try and break or change a bad habit in the period of a few hours. This year, rather than trying to change with the change of the year, it is better to gradually change. To start off slow rather than have a sudden change in lifestyle or habit. If you want to break or change a habit, use the new year as incentive to start, but do not try to completely change once the new year hits. Keep up with the work of trying to break the habit and do not expect an overnight change just because you said you were going to.
The top 10 most abandoned resolutions are...
1. Losing Weight
2. Quitting Smoking
3. Spend Less Money
4. Getting Organized
5. Fall in Love
6. Be Less Stressed
7. Give More/ Volunteer
8. Travel Somewhere New
9. Break a Bad Habit
10. Sleep More