In an attempt to not look and feel like a complete newbie when I head off to Liberty in just a few days, I gathered some basic survival tips from my cousin, who graduated from Liberty two years ago. Hopefully with these in mind, we can avoid at least part of the typical freshman trial-and-error process:
1. Go to Farm Basket.
You have so many good food options, from La Carreta to Rivermont Pizza, but this is a place you'll fall in love with immediately. The atmosphere is cute and the food is even better. They use super fresh ingredients, so it's both delicious and healthy!
2. Run FAR away from anyone who thinks Ring by Spring is a good idea.
Although Liberty is (in)famous for Ring by Spring, it's just all around a bad idea. Just don't do that, and please don't date anyone that thinks it's a good idea. No thank you.
3. If you don't need it, don't carry it.
Congratulations! You now live on a mountain. This means that carrying yourself up that hill is hard enough, much less a heavy backpack with schoolbooks and your laptop. If you're not sure you're going to use it, don't be a boy scout and bring it just in case. Leave it in your dorm.
4. Get used to standing in lines.
With over 14,000 students living on campus, there's bound to be lines for just about everything. There's a line for convo! There's a line at the bookstore! There's a line for food! There's a random line that you're not sure where it goes, but you're going to stand in it anyways! Use that time to catch a few Pokemon or make some new friends. Nothing brings people together like being forced to stand next to each other.
This one is perhaps the most important. Without your parents there to yell at you if your light's on after midnight, you might be tempted to party with your roommate until 2 in the morning. Don't do that. You need to sleep in order to be a vaguely functional human being. Falling asleep in class is almost worse than not showing up at all, and those things will definitely affect your grades.
6. Don't break the rules.
Hopefully, this one's obvious, but Liberty is serious about the rules. They will catch you if you break them, and they will give you reps, which quickly suck up what little money you have. Despite the stereotype, the rules aren't that strict. They're there to keep you and others safe, not to limit your fun. (PS: If you ever feel like the rules are too strict, just remember, I couldn’t wear leggings to class and I had to pay $10 in reps if I wanted to skip convo. #begrateful).
7. Appreciate the Convocation speakers.
The convo speakers are one of the coolest parts about Liberty. Leading experts and political figures from all walks of life come to Liberty and present to the students. Other colleges don't have this opportunity, so cherish it and pay attention! You never know what you can learn.
8. Don't be ashamed to run for that bus you're about to miss.
Wait, the bus is here?!! BUT I'M NOT READY YET!! (The struggle is especially real for people in the Annex. #annexforlife).
9. Eat the occasional vegetable.
Welcome to college, where your mother isn't there to tell you to eat healthy. However, you should still eat a salad every once in a while. Not only will it help keep that freshman 15 away, but it helps with digestion. No one has fun with indigestion.
10. Appreciate how loving your professors are.
One of the greatest things about Liberty is how wonderful the professors are. They will go out of their way to pray for you and help you with anything you may need. Let them love you!
Welcome to the best university ever! The next four years of our lives are going to be the best ones yet. I can't wait to meet you all!