Top 10 Kids Cartoons That Adults Love | The Odyssey Online
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Top 10 Kids Cartoons That Adults Love

Though made for children, these cartoons entice grown-ups, too.

Top 10 Kids Cartoons That Adults Love
The Hindu

Cartoons: we loved them as kids, and we can still love them now. Here’s a friendly list of the best animation targeted at kids, which grown-ups love too.

10. SpongeBob

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? You guessed it, our favorite dish appliance - Spongebob. The show boasts lunacy, randomness, and overall extravagance, so it's no wonder that it remains one of the most lovable, albeit, strange cartoons to watch.

9. Total Drama Island

Everyone wants to be famous. Total Drama Island parodies that desire by featuring a bunch of cranky teenagers stuck together on an isolated island competing for big cash: a recipe for chuckles and suspense.

8. My Little Pony

This one goes out to all the Brownies out there! Stay sickeningly sweet.

7. Phineas and Ferb

Is Phineas and Ferb on this list? Why yes, yes it is! Though the plot’s pretty formulaic, the feats Phineas and his stepbrother, Ferb, perform are anything but. From backyard roller coasters to space exploration, these brothers seeks to make the most out of their summer.

6. Young Justice

Superheroes kicking butt with a nail-biting plot and relationship drama. Yes, yes, yes! These underestimated sidekicks prove to their big named mentors that they are more than just back up. It’s a shame that just as things began to kick-off, the show got sacked.

5. Miraculous Ladybug

This one’s new. Produced in France and inspired by anime, Miraculous details the exploits of two high school heroes, Ladybug and Cat Noir, as they fight crime and balance a very complicated, yet compelling love square.

4. Adventure Time

We don’t know why, but this show’s randomness and abundance of characters, not to mention sick setting and peculiar plot, enthralls us with laughter.

3. Over the Garden Wall

Although not well known, this show tackles heavy concepts such as death and the fear of the unknown, all within 10 short episodes. The creator, Patrick McHale, spent a decade developing the characters, motifs, story, and setting that captivated viewers. It also won an Emmy, so embrace the unknown and give it a go!

2. Avatar

As an American-made, anime-inspired adventure, Avatar: The Last Air Bender presents a stunning adventure about a young boy, Aang, trying to master all of the elements and defeat the evil Fire-Lord. The characters and comedy make it worthwhile. Just do yourself a favor and stay away from the live action movies.

1. Steven Universe

Just Fabulous. This show is like adventure time, except with a coherent plot and mostly female cast. It centers on a young, half boy, half-alien hybrid, Steven, as he copes with complex feelings surrounding his mother’s sacrifice so he could live. It features women in powerful roles with all different body sizes and personalities. Also, it features superpowers, and has gripping, entertaining episodes, as well as love-able characters that will make you laugh and cry.

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