Top 10 Most Iconic Scenes In Grey's Anatomy | The Odyssey Online
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Top 10 Most Iconic Scenes In Grey's Anatomy

If you haven't watched Grey's yet then you should. Seriously.

Top 10 Most Iconic Scenes In Grey's Anatomy
Her Campus

Grey's Anatomy is one of the best shows ever created. This is not an opinion, it is a fact. Shonda Rhimes is a genius- another fact. I personally think she may be the best writer ever. I aspire to write like her. The plot twists, the foreshadowing, the unpredictablyness (not a word but still), everything she does is planned perfectly and well thought out.

I have finally had time to catch up on Grey's and I cannot help but be in awe of Rhimes and how she managed to create and keep a TV series that is popular running for its 13th season this September. Sometimes I go all the way back to season 1 and re-watch everything and that's when I notice all of the details Rhimes put into this show.

So with that being said, I have decided to compile a list of what I personally think are the top 10 best and most iconic moments that happened in Grey's. This is list is completely opinion based. I am also in the process of finishing season 12 and my friend said she would have put the last episode of season 12 on the list but that isn't included because I haven't gotten there yet. So with that being said, let's start the countdown!

10. April and Jackson eloping- season 10 episode 11 and 12

One second April is set to marry Matthew, the next Jackson is standing up telling April how he loves her and how he thinks she loves him too. Well, he was right because they leave the wedding together running hand-in-hand. They eloped.

9. Burke leaving Christina- season 3 episode 25

After having a slight meltdown, Cristina is ready to come down the aisle and marry Burke. But before that could happen Burke came to Cristina and told her how he doesn't want to make her do something she doesn't want to do and if he loved her he would let her go. Burke didn't just leave Cristina, but he also left the hospital.

8. Meredith puts her hand on a bomb- season 2 episode 16

Meredith-the brave woman she is- put her hand inside a man's chest that had an unexploded bomb in it that could explode with the slightest move. Meredith manages to pull the bomb out without it exploding and hands it off to the leader of the bomb sqaud and he leaves the OR room and proceeds to walk out of the hallway. Meredith follows him a couple of seconds later and the bomb explodes injuring Meredith.

7. Izzie getting cancer- season 5 episode 7

Izzie fell in love with one of her patients, Denny Duquette. The day Duquette proposed is also the day he died. Shortly after his death Izzie begins seeing Duquette. She is talking to him, touching him, even kissing him- or so she thinks. Izzie ended up having stage 4 metastatic melanoma which caused the hallucinations of Duquette along with other things.

6. The shooting- season 6 episode 23

A man-Gary Clark-blamed Derek, Lexie, and Richard for the death of his wife. He comes back to the hospital weeks later with a gun looking specifically for Derek. While looking for Derek he kills 3 people and shoots Derek and Alex, but they stayed alive.

This was such a suspenseful episode, it had be on the edge of my seat the whole time.

5. George's death- season 5 episode 24

The day George decides to enlist in the army is the day he died. He saved this girl's life on the way to work by throwing her out of the way of a bus that was coming towards her. He was hit so hard that when he was brought to the hospital he was not recognizable to anyone- not even his colleagues. Meredith was his doctor and the only one able to figure who he is. Needless to say, everyone was devastated, shocked, and sad.

4. The plane crash- season 8 episode 24

This was another suspenseful episode. Lexie, Derek, Meredith, Mark, Cristina and Arizona were all involved in this traumatic plane crash. They were stranded out in the woods for days I believe with minimum-if any-food and water. They all have injuries, but Lexie ends up dying because her body is under a piece of the plane. The others make it out but Mark dies, and Arizona's leg is amputated.

3. Maggie is introduced- season 11 episode 4

So it was surprising when Lexie was introduced as Meredith's half sister, but then Maggie came. I thought it was going to be tough giving Meredith another half sister and having her character be developed and everything, but Rhimes pulled it off of course.

The last two have to be combined because they go together. Since I was so late watching season 11 I already knew Derek was going to die (episode 21). I would have never thought that Rhimes would kill off such a strong and important character like Derek but she did. The thing about Derek's death was that he saved these people from a serious car crash and as he was leaving the scene gets hit. The hospital he was taken to was understaffed and didn't catch the head injury he had. He was declared brain dead.

During Meredith's and her roommates dinner party (season 12 episode 5) Callie brings her girlfriend who everyone is excited to meet. Who does her girlfriend end up being? One of the doctor's who was on Derek's case. A doctor who knew Derek should've gotten a head CT but didn't push hard enough to get it done. Meredith immediately recognizes her but doesn't make a scene. She is actually able to keep her cool until it is announced that Callie's girlfriend (Penny) will be working at Grey-Sloan.

That is when Meredith announces that Penny was one of Derek's doctors and she "killed" him. Meredith leaves the table where Amelia- Derek's sister- grills Penny about that night and what happened. Amelia soon leaves the table and joins Meredith in her room asking Meredith how could she do this to her. This sets Meredith over the edge and she screams at Amelia telling her to get out of her room and for someone to get Amelia out before she kills her. That was the first time I have ever seen Meredith scream like that. She is usually calm and collected, but in this case she lost it and it was understandable.

I know there are some that aren't on this list that others may think should be included. So if you think there should be some others here let me know! And if you've never seen Grey's go watch it!

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