10 Great and Uncommon Senior Quotes
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10 Great and Uncommon Senior Quotes

Quotes that can perfect sum up your high school experience.

10 Great and Uncommon Senior Quotes
Ljupco Smokovski/123rf Stock Photo

So the school year has just begun and, ready or not, your senior year of high school has arrived. This is the year where you begin your goodbyes. You make the last of your high school memories. You ease up on your focused high school career and start the search for a new home for another four years of your life. And, of course, you define everything you've learned over the years with a single quote in the yearbook. A lasting remark on what you believed was important and how you viewed the world. Well, if you've read my first article, you'll find that – over the years – I've continued to gather quotes that I find represent things bigger than myself. And now, I've decided to compile the top quotes into a list to give you a better chance at finding that perfect quote that'll represent your beliefs and view of the world for years to come.

1. "My Mama told me that sometimes people have to cry out all the tears to make room for a heart full of smiles." -Jamie Scott, "One Tree Hill"

One of the most passionate quotes said by a child I've ever heard. This quote tells us that while life can be hard sometimes, you have to push yourself through all the bad things to get to the best parts in life. And while the road may seem hard, the pain and suffering is worth it to be happy at the end.

2. "I need the eggs." -Alvy Singer, "Annie Hall"

This quote is much longer, much too long to fit in a yearbook, but if you know the movie "Annie Hall," you understand what this quote represents. Most things in life are absurd. We grow up, but we keep falling for the same old tricks. We mature without really maturing. And while their may not be a rhyme or reason to why we do certain things, we can't help ourselves but do them. We keep on hoping for that sliver of a chance that this time, everything will come out alright.

3. "We accept the love we think we deserve." -Charlie, "The Perks of Being a Wallflower"

While this quote is commonly known and very often used, it still makes the list as Perks is one of my favorite books and this quote is brilliant. If you don't know the story, Charlie, a freshman in high school, is an outcast who is rescued by a senior group of outcasts. One of these people being Sam, a girl Charlie falls for but because of Sam's constant abusive relationships, her and Charlie are unable to be together. So, when Charlie asks why does Sam go for people that treat her like crap, his teacher responds with this quote saying that when people feel inadequate and worthless, they believe they don't deserve anything better than that. The idea behind this quote is the lines that follows it, "Can we make them know that they deserve more?" "We can try." This quote, in a way, communicates that everyone deserves love and to try to remember that you are special in this life and you deserve someone who sees that and loves you the way you are.

4. "One of the deepest secrets of life is that all that is really worth doing is what we do for others." -Lewis Carroll

While a very simple quote, it is nonetheless brilliant. We are all a combination of everyone we influence in this life. And while it may be hard to know it at times, everything we do to influence the world around us makes up who we are. And though it may seem obvious, we so often forget this simple secret that life is made up of what we do to help those around us.

5. "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." -Dr. Seuss

This is a fantastic quote – as most Dr. Seuss quotes are. For those that were told that they were inadequate or that what they had to say wasn't important, this quote is one to take to heart. It is a reminder to never stop speaking what's on your mind and standing up for what you feel is important. And remember to never let anyone make you feel like you have to hide who you are. Because, in the end, they aren't important. Only the people who accept you for you are the important ones.

6. "Sometimes you eat the bar, and sometimes the bar eats you." -The Stranger, "The Big Lebowski"

This quote is from one of the best Coen brothers, "The Big Lebowski," which revolves around an unemployed, alcoholic bowler that goes by the nickname "The Dude" as he gets mixed up with the wrong people. The quote targets those that have to overcome some great struggle in their life as it refers to overcoming alcoholism and the chaos that revolves around it in this case. The original quote is "Sometimes you eat the bear, and sometimes the bear eats you." meaning that sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, but the way it is adapted for the movie usually has more meaning to most people as well as more hilarity to the situation it is said in.

7. "To be yourself in a world that's constantly trying to change you is the greatest accomplishment." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

One of the most important things to remember in life is that with everything in the life that happens, being true to who you are and what you believe is the most powerful and amazing thing you can do. You should never forget how unique and special you are. To believe in yourself through all you go through is an amazing feat.

8. "More tears are shed over answered prayers than unanswered ones." -Truman Capote

While it's easy to wish for the answers to all your problems, you learn more from putting in the work and achieving your goals. The hardest way to do something is often the best way and the way you learn the most.

9. "It's is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." -Albus Dumbledore, "Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets"

Yet another quote that perfect shows how those who may seem weak and unfit for a job are the ones who can still do it best because they choose to believe they can. If you believe in yourself and make the write choices, you can do anything.

10. "Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out." -John Wooden

Make do with what you have. Try your best with it and don't try to be something you're not. You're great the way you are and if you make the best of what you have you'll achieve astounding things.

I hope this list of uncommon senior quotes has given you the inspiration you need and that you'll use one of these to make a statement you didn't even know you could make. Have a great senior and stay awesome!

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