Growing up with siblings can be a roller coaster of emotions - but only the "baby" of the family knows the true frustrations of having siblings. Being the youngest sibling means you're the punchline of every family joke, the one smushed in the way back of every car ride, and your families secret pride and joy. These are the top 10 emotions and frustrations if you're the youngest sibling:
1. Does "I bet you can't go and get ____ for me in under 20 seconds!" sound familiar?
As the youngest sibling, you probably found yourself racing up the stairs way too many times to grab something for your sibling that they were too lazy to get themselves. And the best part is you fell for it every time.
2. Your siblings looked at you like you were Satan every weekend night.
When mom and dad would go on date nights, someone would have to stay back and babysit you. You might have thought your siblings were excited to miss their huge party or friends sleepover to spend some time with you - but the second your parents locked the door and the car pulled out of the garage, your sibling wanted nothing to do with you.
3. You would be bribed to not rat on a sibling when something goes wrong.
Whether it was a play fight that turned into a real fight, or a siblings boyfriend or girlfriend is caught sneaking up the basement stairs, you immediately become the favorite sibling to avoid your brother or sister being grounded.
4. Family outings were always controversial as your parents had to make sure the movie you were seeing or the activity you were doing was appropriate for 'everyone' ... AKA only you.
Movie days were miserable for the older siblings as they had to watch singing animals and cartoon characters run across the screen. And the worst part of it all? You thought they were enjoying it, too!
5. You had the best bodyguards when it came to any fight you could have with your siblings - your parents.
No matter who started the fight or who ended up finishing it, your parents would always say to your sibling "How old are you? And how old is your little sibling?". You would feel guilty after, wanting to be on your siblings' good side. But now, you wish it could go back to being like that.
6. You desperately wanted to be in the "older kid" gang.
You would lurk outside your
7. Your family always seemed to get LIT the second you were sent to bed.
Your siblings and parents would stay up late hanging out in the kitchen or the den, laughing and reminiscing while you tried to close your eyes and not feel left out.
8. You are used by your sibling to get what they want.
Whether it is your choice to pick where you go for dinner or your choice of what radio station to listen to, all of a sudden your siblings want to tell you how important you are to them.
9. You are constantly referred to as the baby, no matter how old you are.
When you first get your license or come home for college breaks, you can definitely expect the "when did you get so old" and "I remember you when you were first born" comments.
10. You know you have a solid team of supporters no matter what you decide to do or what you decide to be in life.
Your sibling - as annoying and controlling as they are - are always there to back you up when you need some good old family support.