Thanksgiving is by far one of my favorite holidays and the first American tradition (shout out to my main man Squanto). Now don't get me wrong I love my family as much as the next broke college student does but I might (definitely) just love Thanksgiving food more! So in honor of my love for food here are the top 10 foods I am looking forward to the most at my Thanksgiving dinner(s), or any dinner for that matter because for the past four months I've often had sleep for dinner ie: "I'm really hungry, I guess I'll just go to bed," (if you're laughing I appreciate that you think I'm telling a funny joke, if you're sobbing uncontrollably because that one hit too close to home I'm with you):
1. Stuffing
I don't know what it is about whatever is in this magical food but I could literally eat it for breakfast, lunch AND dinner. I think (know) that I'm capable of consuming enough servings of this delicacy to satisfy an entire army of soldiers.
2. Pumpkin Pie
I don't think pumpkin pie is even made from real pumpkins, but I honestly do not care at all. I have probably eaten an entire pumpkin pie by one sitting (more than once).
3. Mac and Cheese
You might not see mac and cheese on your family's table this Thanksgiving but that's because your family does not include my grandma, in what can only be described as the most perfect combination of the finest pasta Italy has to offer and the sweet nectar of the gods; move over Kraft and Velveta Grammy is coming through!
4. Mashed Potatoes
Let's get one thing straight, I LOVE any and all types of potatoes but this is the potato's finest cosplay. A nice tower of deliciousness with a little slice of butter mixed in with corn and other various foods that miss my mouth as I'm shoveling this much needed meal down my throat makes the perfect addition to a plate.
5. Buttermilk Rolls
Rolls are the Swiss Army Knife of food; only fluffy and gorgeous. You can dip them in the potatoes or the juice from the meat or just eat them by themselves. (Do I sound like Bubba from Forrest Gump yet?...Good!)
6. Turkey
Fun Fact: there was actually no turkey served at the first Thanksgiving, but luckily we learned from the Pilgrim's mistakes. Now, the thought of this once being a gigantic bird with huge feathers kind of freaks me out, but only for half a second and then I get over it and continue to chow down. (Fires shot gun into the air with American flag in hand).
7. Hash Brown Casserole
As previously stated all potatoes are beautiful. #PotatoLivesMatter
8. Green Beans
I usually turn my nose at any and all green foods because they look like a sin against my morals, however studies (probably) shows that these little guys for some unknown reason taste like cake when put in conjunction with the aforementioned Thanksgiving feast.
9. Ham
What more can be said about this? Honestly this should be number one on the list if wasn't a Christmas meat. I respect all the vegetarians out there (your self control is on some other level) but you all have no idea what you are missing!
10. Pumpkin Roll
Have you ever had the desire to eat an entire loaf of bread? Probably not. Have you ever been to Thanksgiving dinner and had the desire to eat an entire roll of pumpkin? If you 're answer no to this then you're what I like to call... a liar. And lying is a nasty habit and you should get some help, we are all praying for you.