Top 10 Female Movie Villains | The Odyssey Online
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Top 10 Female Movie Villains

Female Bad Guys

Top 10 Female Movie Villains

As a big film buff I love movies and I love villains. A great villain can make or break a movie. Last week I gave y'all my list for the top ten male movie villains. It is only fitting that I give the female baddies a shot in the limelight. Here’s my list for the top 10 female movie villains. Potential spoilers (you've been warned) ahead ranking not true reflection.

10. Talia al Ghul - "Dark Knight Rises"

Wealthy and powerful, great at playing the game. All of her enemies are unsuspecting of her. Bruce Wayne thinks she’s on his side and she ultimately stabs him… in the ribs… with a knife. She’s willing to blow up the city of Gotham with a nuclear weapon just to finish her father’s unfulfilledmission.

9. Maleficent - "Sleeping Beauty"

Queen of all the Disney villain’s universe. Let’s start with the beginning: she literally cursed the kings newborn daughter to be put into a deathlike coma, just because she wasn’t invited to her christening ceremony. That’s pretty bad. And on top of that she’s very strong in magic and uses it for the purpose of evil. She really wants to rule the world. And did I mention she turns herself into a huge dragon to prevent Aurora’s true love from kissing her to break the spell? She will have her way.

8. Dolores Umbridge - Harry Potter movies

As a huge Harry Potter fan I was a little skeptical of how they casted her. But by the end of her first appearance, I absolutely disdained her. Her voice comes across as sweet, yet her words cut like knives. I can't stress this enough: I despised her. They did such a great job with her. Honestly, I think she was more evil than Voldemort. Voldemort was evil, but he had an agenda. Her agenda was whatever gave her the most power. She was horrible to the students at Hogwarts. I have to tell the truth, for "I must not tell lies."

7. Nurse Ratched - "One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest"

Nothing says totalitarian control freak like Nurse Ratched. In her mental ward, she was the law. Mental patients were thrown under constant abuse by this nurse. She had no regard for them and treated them like dirt. When the doctors and families were around, she was sweet and caring, but once their backs were turned she became the female version of Satan.

6. Bellatrix Lestrange - Harry Potter Movies

The second Harry Potter character on this list. She was a psychotic woman who loved to do Voldemort’s bidding. She got off from torturing her victims to insanity, which they might as well be dead in that regard. (Notably, the Longbottoms were great wizards who, unfortunately, were tortured so much that they had to be institutionalized.) And they cast her so well, I mean when is Helena Bonham Carter not great? She took pride in doing Voldemort’s bidding and was among his most fanatical followers.

5. California Mountain Snake A.K.A Elle Driver - Kill Bill movies

I couldn’t make this list without one of the female roles in the Kill Bill movies. As for deciding between her and the rest of the Deadly Viper Assassin Squad, I chose her because despite everything, she has a personal vendetta against Kiddo. They have been true rivals since they first were introduced. Kiddo was always just slightly better so of course Elle Driver had a chip in her shoulder. And secondly, how badass is it to have a woman warrior with an eye patch? (Granted, she insulted the master, and poisoned him soon after.) It’s like Kurt Russell’s character from “Escape L.A,” but more evil and more pissed off with a massive inferiority complex.

4. Wicked Witch of the West - "Wizard of Oz"

One of those classic villains. The Wizard of Oz is just a gem in cinema history. And the Wicked Witch of the West was great. I mean yes, she was really pissed off that her beloved sister had a house fall on her (I mean who wouldn’t be mad at that inconvenience?) But you don’t get the name “wicked” if you’re nice. She is evil and pissed off. She’ll get you, my pretties. Just be sure to carry a bucket of water to protect yourself from her.

3. Cruella Deville / Ursula

Both of these Disney villains made this list due to just how evil they are. I couldn’t decide who is more evil so I made it a tie. For pete’s sake, Cruella Deville literally wants to kill puppies to just to make a coat. Could you imagine someone doing that today? PETA would have a cow. And Ursula, the sea-witch, cons poor Ariel into trading her incredible voice for legs. And then she attempts to steal Ariel’s man away. There is a word for that.

2. Annie Wilkes - "Misery"

The incredible Cathy Bates won an Oscar for her performance as the psychotic ultimate fan-girl. She seems harmless at first, just a girl whose favorite author just happens to get in a car accident and stranded at her recluse cabin during a blizzard. Things turn for the worse as she grows more and more psychotic and even violent, refusing to let her favorite author leave especially after she finds out he kills off her favorite character. She is completely unstable and willing to do whatever it takes to keep him around.

1. Alex Forest - "Fatal Attraction"

It started out as a harmless affair (as harmless as an affair can be, I suppose). The man, however, feels immense guilt from it and tries to discontinue it. But she doesn’t take "no" for an answer and she starts tearing up his world. She is extremely dangerous. This woman is terrifying because this could happen to anyone. She’s that psychotic ex-girlfriend that never wants to give you up and will do everything for attention. She won’t rest until she’s your girl, even if that means kidnapping your child.

Bonus. Cersei Lannister - "Game of Thrones"

I don’t care that she’s not a movie villain. She needs to be on this list for the fact that she is the most cunning and evil woman in the Game of Thrones universe. I mean, if we judge her by her actions in the show she’s killed or has killed hundreds of people. Especially at the end of season six when she kills her daughter-in-law and the religious hierarchy in one fowl swoop. She would have done anything to protect her children. And she will stop at nothing now to take her revenge… on the entire kingdom. Hail Queen Cersei, first of her name.

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