Top 10 Feel Good Albums for College
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Top 10 Feel Good Albums for College

When the going get's rough, music will always be there to help.

Top 10 Feel Good Albums for College
Alexander Laughlin

Music is essential when it comes to college. Whether it's studying for a test late at night, having a concert in the shower(I do it too, it's okay), walking to class, or on those days where you feel like you can't do it anymore! Where you'll die if you take another step towards a classroom thats boring as all hell! These albums can be a huge pick-me-up to be motivated, focused, and happy. Now I understand we all have a different taste so hopefully I land on all your taste buds. Each and everyone of those little guys. I'm making it weird, okay, let's do this! (Links available at the bottom of their description.)

10. Alabama Shakes, "Sound and Color"

Alabama Shakes is an alternative rock band based out of, you guessed it, Alabama. Their second album "Sound and Color" is filled with some great vocals by their lead Brittany Howard. The first song will have you hooked with it's compelling lyrics and beautiful and strange instrumentals. The rest of the album brings a funk/rock groove into the mix with songs like "Don't Wanna Fight" and "Future People" but the banger to this album is really "Gimmie All Your Love" with excellent vocals and guitar work. If this album doesn't get you pumped up about class. I don't know what will!

9. Sylvan Esso, "Sylvan Esso"

Electronic, synth, dance, and fine ass beats. Need I say more? Sylvan Esso hails from North Carolina and brings such a unique element to their music. Not only are the beats, dare I say, funky fresh but the soft melodic vocals of lead singer Amelia Meath mixed with the brilliant electronic synth mix of Nick Sanborn are nothing to joke around about. This album is soft and slow and another S word that I can't think of. Oh yeah, the shit! This album is great for staying focused on studying or writing a paper. With songs like "Coffee" and "Uncatena" you'll be finding yourself saying "I can't believe he was right about this!"

8. The Head and The Heart, "Let's Be Still"

Folky, but not god awful country, The Head and The Heart has had success in making their music sound like you're rolling through a field of green grass without any dog poop in the way. Or human poop in that matter. THATH for short, was born in Washington with their beautiful vocals and great guitar work mixed with the great drumming, this album has it all! "Let's Be Still" is THATH's second album that came out in 2013 and they will have you swaying and rocking out at times too! If you find yourself in trouble and need some nice background music to chill out to while you're working on a project or music for a party, this is a folk band you don't want to pass up! With songs like "Homecoming Heroes" a fabulous opening song that shows you what the bands about to "Gone" witch is a long instrumental song that really hits home.

7. The Black Keys, "Brothers"

Blues, blues, them good ol blues. Now keep in mind, this isn't just blues, It's rock n' roll mixed with them badass blues! The Black Keys originates from Ohio bringing to the table some of the greatest guitar work of the 2000's. The band consist of Dan Auerbach(lead guitar and vocalist) and Patrick Carney(drums). The album Brothers opens up with a head bobbing song called "Everlasting Light" and leads into some great rock n' roll inspired songs with some alternative spice in there. The greatest song on the album in my opinion is "Tighten Up" a song you can't help but rock out too when the guitar solos come out along with the great bass work. This band is great for a run around campus and even a shower concert! Break out that air guitar damnit!

6. Chance The Rapper, "Acid Rain"

If you love coca, butter, and kisses then you'll love this underground rapper who rose to the top with his clever versus and his ability to spit supa hot fire. Coming from Chicago, Chance has made a huge impact in the rap/hip-hop scene. His second album "Acid Rap" opens up with a song called "Good Ass Intro" and let me tell you, it is good ass. Chance opens up with a banger having a gospel like tone to the song and having some lines such as "I'm good" and "Better than I was the last time" letting his audience know that he is back to give you some banger baller beats. Like that alliteration? One song in particular called "Acid Rain" really gets me and president Barack Obama up on our feet and dancing. The versus and beats go hard and only one word described this album. "Hype".

5. Madisen Ward and The Mama Bear, "Skeleton Crew"

Kansas City brings us a great duo of Madisen Ward and guess what, his mamma, Ruth Ward in an insanely calm debut album that gave us a great song called "Silent Movies". A catchy chorus with a bouncy acoustic guitar riff makes this song stick in your head for a while. This album can be great for studying and walking across campus with a great mix of fun songs and slow jams that makes you happy to be where you are in life.

4. Tycho, "Awake"

If you're cramming all night for a test and can't seem to stay focused or motivated then look no further than the electronic band Tycho. Springing from California, Tycho serves up an excellent album that had absolutely no words, with the music speaking for itself! The album opens up with their famous one hit wonder titled "Awake" that makes you feel, dare I say, awake! The further the album goes you get hypnotized by their great guitar work and excellent drums. This album says a lot without saying anything and will definitely get you through any math problem ever!

3. Any Frank Sinatra

Frank Sinatra is one of the most famous singer in history. His broad voice mixed with the amazing jazz instrumentals makes for a great study party with your friends. All the modern music now a days is lacking the vocals and feeling that Sinatra brings to each song he delivers. So back up Meghan Trainor and Kanye West, Frank Sinatra is going to ring in the ears of all the college students who actually like good music!

2. Mumford and Sons, "Wilder Mind"

If you know alternative rock then you know Mumford and Sons, a band that rises up from UK bringing their folky charm to America. But "Wilder Mind" is definitely a classic rock album that will go into the books. The books of badass rock n' roll that is! The album brings lead singer Marcus Mumford's brilliant mind to work with rock heavy songs like "The Wolf" and "Ditmas" letting you sing along with all your heart! Then there's slow beautiful harmonic songs like "Only Love" and "Monster" will make you appreciate what music has come to today. This album is inspiring and motivational and just all around good!

1. Modest Mouse, "Good News for People Who Love Bad News"

Known as one of the best alternative artist, Modest Mouse debuted this album in 2004 bringing the world some of the greatest classics we have today. Songs like "Float On" and "The World at Large" with their great message of everything being okay when you're feeling down. And then the hard rock beats like "Bury Me With It" and "Dance Hall" that brings a head banger party to the table. This album can make you motivated, calm, and over all excited about coming to college.

This list is just personal opinion, whatever motivates you, motivates you. Life is what you make of it and if you allow college to take over your life then you'll be controlled. Music is a release, whatever you listen to. Don't let the good times kill you big cats.

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