It’s that beautiful holiday time again and the whole family is finally getting together after what seems like forever. Having a large family for the holidays are great, but can have its moments, especially when talking about some of the more avoided subjects. Take a look at the ones I’ve witnessed or have been a part of during Thanksgiving dinner.
1. Both sides of the family arrive to the dinner table, but each one argues about how the turkey should’ve been prepared. “This isn’t big enough,” or “Is this hormone free?” Sigh.
2. At the corner of the table both grandfathers are disagreeing about politics. With the recent presidential debates, get ready to brace yourself.
3. There’s always that one relative to question every life decision you’ve ever made.
4. Plus, one relative doesn’t quite understand the major you’re studying while away at college.
5. And if you’re graduating soon, be ready to explain your new job offers.
6. That awkward moment when you get home from college and they ask if you’re dating anyone new yet.
7. Although, if you’ve been with the same person for a long time, there’s always the “When are you getting married?”
8. Then, there’s that one family member armed and ready with juicy information about other relatives who aren’t there.
9. Too bad there’s one relative that only sits and listen to relay everything said to the person discussed.
10. Don’t ever bring up the word “religion” to the table. Otherwise, World War III may start in your home.
However, no matter what, they’re still family and you wouldn’t trade them for anything. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!