9. "You & The 6" — "If Your Reading This It’s Too Late" | The Odyssey Online
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These Are The Top 10 Drake Songs Of All Time... But That's Just My Opinion

Ten of the best songs from one of the most influential rappers of the past decade.

These Are The Top 10 Drake Songs Of All Time... But That's Just My Opinion

This article is strictly opinion based, I am not a music major and I will not be dissecting every song looking at samples and beats trying to find the perfect combo. This is just what songs I think, emphasis on the I, are Drakes best.

10. "Do Not Disturb" — "More Life"

This song debuted on the "More Life" album back in 2017. It wasn't one of his chart hitters but its a great song. The fast-paced tone and light tone of a woman singing in the background makes this a song you can bump when you're trying to get hype or on a long drive.

9. "You & The 6" — "If Your Reading This It’s Too Late"

A bid to his mother, Drake wrote this song as a letter to his mom. He discusses the struggles he faces with his new found fame. He also drops viscous bars such as "I pull the knife out my back and I cut their throats with it, mama." Similar to "Do Not Disturb" this song serves as a double threat of hype or vibe.

8. "Child's Play" — "Views"

A catchy hook and an upbeat tempo are two things that make "Child's Play" one of my favorites. I also like the humor behind the song as Drake details how girls can blow up in your face.

7. "Can’t Take A Joke" — "Scorpion"

One of my favorite songs from "Scorpion," this song was shadowed by hits like "Nonstop" and "In My Feelings." There is a very catchy repetitive bass and Drake has a flow that makes this song memorable.

6. "6 God" — "If Your Reading This It’s Too Late"

"6 God" is a cutthroat classic where Drake shows his enemies what he's about. The song starts off hot and keeps a fast pace the entire time. This is one of the best hype songs Drake has made.

5. "9" — "Views"

In this song, Drake praises himself for turning the "6" upside down and making it a 9. Drake is one of the most influential people, if not the most, to come out of Toronto. This is a great song that serves as almost a sad, but upbeat vibe.

4. "Worst Behavior" — "Nothing Was The Same"

This songs starts off quiet but jumps right into an instant bang with Drake jumping in. Drake wrote this song in order to detail his life growing up without a father, and how he never loved him.

3. "6 Man" — "If Your Reading This It’s Too Late"

One of my favorite songs due to the energetic and unique beat and crazy lyrical flow brought by Drake. There's also a lot of scream rapping going on which always gets me amped up.

2. "Marvin's Room" — "Take Care"

One of the most iconic feels songs ever, "Marvin's Room" can get anyone in their emotions, even if you're in a solid relationship you can't help to feel the pain Drake is portraying. The flow is also very smooth and the piano solo at the end is something else.

1. "Know Yourself" — "If Your Reading This It’s Too Late"

The big reveal. "Know Yourself" is one of Drake's biggest songs. It starts off as a vibe, with Drake flowing through the lyrics of "running through the six with my woes." Then halfway through the song, we get a sudden change where the song turns into a high octane powerhouse. Drake goes in, providing us with a song that will have you singing along before you even know it.

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