1. New friends
Every week it seems like I meet someone new at college. I am very thankful for all of my new friends I have made so far, and I am looking forward to all the ones I will make in the future! It is great to meet new people and have new experiences in college. Of course, I still love all my other friends I have known since high-school along with my family.
2. Online tests
Take home tests are the best because you can use your notes and your book. The easiest way to get an A on a test is if it is one online. It is nearly impossible to memorize all of your notes and the entire book, so being able to look up a few questions really makes the process a whole lot smoother. Plus, taking the test in your bed with no pants on is a bonus too.
3. Late semester extra credit
All of my professors have offered some type of extra credit. All smart students know to take advantage of every opportunity for additional points in their classes. I have done things such as write a one-page paper, go to an on-campus speaker, live tweet and watch online videos for extra credit.
4. Being in-between test 3 & 4
The phase in your class where all you have to do is sit in your chair and listen are the best. Normally this includes iMessaging on your MacBook, daydreaming, giving your hot professors heart-eye emojis or occasionally sleeping. Either way, it beats having to stress about studying for the upcoming exam.
5. Holiday themed college parties
Obviously, there is normally a theme to every party, but it is impossible to argue that holiday themed parties are the best. Hallo-weekend was clearly the best so far since everyone got to dress up in costumes. I am patiently awaiting the ugly sweater theme party because Christmas time is the best time.
6. Five-day school vacation
Gobble Gobble Break means five days off of school! Most of us will spend this time binge watching our current Netflix shows and stuffing our faces with amazing food. This is also great because it means that Christmas is near. A good thing about Christmas, besides love and presents, is three weeks off from school.
7. BIG 10 Football
You cannot forget to be thankful for college football. Especially for my fellow Huskers, which by the way are currently 9-2, we verse Iowa which means loud yelling at the TV with the family this wonderful Thanksgiving Break. Football always brings the family closer during the holidays.
8. Only two real weeks left in the semester
This first half of the year has flown by so quickly. It is crazy to think there is only two weeks left until finals, not that I am complaining or anything. Everyone is ready to get this semester down in the books and move on to a new schedule this Spring.
9. Thanksgiving dinner at the dining halls
One of my favorite college memories so far has been eating as much of the Thanksgiving meal at Abel as I could with my friends. This is the one time the food has been absolutely amazing. It may not beat grandma's home cooked meal, but it is sure as hell close.
10. Non-accumulative finals
Every class of mine has non-accumulative finals except for one. However, the one class that is over everything is an online test, so does it even count? Anyway, this means not having to study all of the material from the semester. This is probably a good thing for me considering I cannot even remember my lecture from yesterday.