Being a college student is tough. Amidst extracurriculars, classes, tests, homework, and all kinds of other obligations, it's pretty common to have a mental breakdown (or two....or three....or ten....) along the way. Sometimes self-inflicted, yet always traumatizing, here's 10 breakdowns you probably haven't been able to avoid in your time as a college student:
1. Refusing to do laundry until you have nothing to wear.
Guess I'm going for the disheveled and sweaty look today.
2. Eating ramen 4 times since Tuesday since you have no swipes left.
Probably all of the chocolate chip cookies I bought last week.
3. *Checks Bank Account*
*Mostly empty from buying coffee and more chocolate chip cookies.*
4. Realizing your test grade was a lot lower than you thought.
^Direct quote from professor.
5. Having an assignment due at midnight but procrastinating until 11pm until you hate yourself.
Basically as painful as spraying yourself with pepper spray?
6. Being so tired after an all-nighter you can't think, breathe, participate, or function properly.
Sleep is for the weak.
7. Debating changing your major 4 different times (to all different disciplines.)
Theology? No, wait, definitely Psychology. Nope. Nope. I want to be a theatre major. Jk no, we're keeping it. Wait....Communications sounds cool?
8. Trying to talk to someone about your future plans.
I can be Beyonce if I really want to, okay?!
10. *Someone asks what you're doing after graduation*
Nope. Nope. Nope.