If you're a college student you know... paying attention for long periods of time can be hard. It's a constant struggle while doing homework or studying. We often try to multitask (unsuccessfully) and end up not doing what we were supposed to. Here are the top 10 biggest distractions that college students deal with daily.
1. Facebook.
Remember when we thought Facebook died after middle school? Guess what, it revived itself right as you came back to college! Instead of doing your homework, you find yourself opening another tab and spending about an hour looking at Facebook albums or taking a quiz to see which Harry Potter character you relate to the most.
2. Your group message.
We all know that our group messages are always blowing up. If you don't pay attention- all of the sudden- you have about 200 unread messages. Obviously keeping up with what's going on is much more important than that paper you're supposed to be writing right now!
3. Netflix.
I don't know a single college student who doesn't love Netflix. Quite frankly, we use it to procrastinate just about everything. Watching *just one more* episode of your show is just far too tempting sometimes.
4. Food.
Sometimes a study snack break turns into an hour-long snack break or a snack attack. You know what? It happens. You deserve it.
5. Cleaning your room/doing any other chore.
My room is never cleaner than when I need to be studying. Sometimes, you want to feel productive, but you really just don't want to do the pressing task you need to do. I may fail my test, but at least my room is clean, right?
6. Editing pictures for your social media/refreshing your Insta notifications.
How are you supposed to focus when you just posted a picture or have a picture to edit? You spend an embarrassing amount of time refreshing your feed to see how your picture is doing. No shame.
7. Looking through your photos.
What better time to reminisce on your life than when you have a test in a few hours? Seems logical.
8. Creating a to-do list that you won't actually check off.
Something about creating a to-do list makes you feel more productive. At least you've figured out what you need to do, right? Wrong. Checking off the to-do list is the actually important part. What a concept.
9. The easier assignment.
Why do the harder assignment that is due tomorrow when you could do that easy assignment that's due in two weeks? At least I did something, right?
10. Seeing your friends/any social engagement.
Running into your friend at the library pretty much always turns into an hour-long conversation complaining about how much work you have-- while getting no work actually done. You're easily convinced to put off whatever you're doing for any kind of social interaction.
We college students really do get distracted pretty easily. We promise sometimes we get things done too.