We all have woken up after what seemed to be a never ending booze filled night, and thought OH MY GOD I need this hangover to be gone. Laying in bed frantically searching through Google for the answer of all answers "How to get rid of a hangover." I present to you a list of what you need to wipe your body clear of that terrible hangover. Be sure to read to the bottom to find the best way to cure a hangover!
10. Sleep off the hangover
This is the simplest solution to being hungover, usually works best if you were out extremely late and haven't gotten any sleep. Returning to bed allows the body more time to absorb the alcohol in your system, meaning it won't just be sitting in your stomach or bloodstream in one spot. Sleep will not always be the remedy for feeling better because some of us might have stuff to do the next day. In other words, if you plan on sleeping off a hangover it would be beneficially to plan your heavy drinking around busy days.
9. Eat greasy food
As if you most likely didn't end the night with munching on some greasy pizza or a nice $15 order from the always trusty McDonald's. Even though once you eventually wake up the last thing you want to do is eat the same greasy food you ended the night with it might actually help. The truth about it is the greasy from the food will actually line the inside of your stomach and will slow down the absorption of alcohol into the body. This will therefore slow down the hangover making it not hit you all at once. Cautiously proceed to eat this greasy food because it might make you feel better but if you wait till late in the day it might be to late since the alcohol is already absorbed.
8. Take vitamins
Taking vitamins is a great way for the body to get back the nourishment it needs to feel better again. Just stop by your local pharmacy and look for vitamins that your body needs such as, vitamin C, B12. These are just what your body needs to feel better again.
7. Bananas and pretzels
This was actually recommended to me by a friend and at first I was extremely skeptical. Apparently the salt from the pretzels and the bananas combine to help your body store the water that is all ready inside you. Thus for keeping you hydrated with whatever water is left in your body. I wouldn't say this is the remedy of all remedies but it's something worth trying just to see how it works partially on you yourself.
6. Pain Medication
Pain meds are the go to for getting over a hangover (Ibuprofen). Personally I am not the type of person to take any pills so this is not my favorite method but it will take away your headache. Combine pain medication with a decent intake of water and you should be feeling as good as new soon enough.
5. Carbohydrates
Intaking carbs can be a good way to slow down the effects of a hangover so your body is not hit with it all at once. Ideally eating carbs WHILE you are drinking will help you in the morning. The carbs act as a sponge to soak up what is in your stomach and this case it's alcohol. Soaking up the alcohol will keep it all from entering your blood stream, the more of it in your bloodstream the drunker you may be. Soak up the booze and you just might be feeling better in a few hours.
4. Water
As you can see from reading the list hydration is a big part of coming over a hangover. What better way to do it then with the liquid we have the most of in the world, water. Slam a water before you go to bed and it will lower the chances you wake up feeling like crap in the morning. Hydrating your body is key no matter if you drink or not but keep on slamming that water!
3. Sports drinks
This is my overall favorite way to combat a hangover. We all love the taste of sports drinks be that Gatorade or whatever is your drink of choice. These drinks are stocked with electrolytes and are awesome ways to replenish/hydrate your body. Just be aware some are filled with lots of sugar which might upset the stomach so low calorie drinks are encouraged. Slugging one of these bad boys when you get up might just save the day for you.
2. Exercise
Once you wake up feeling sick this might be the last way you want to do try to get over a hangover. Exercise is the best way to sweat out the toxins from the alcohol, doing so the morning after potentially could make you feel better. whatever that may be, going for a jog, playing basketball whatever it is to make you sweat.
1. Drink less alcohol
I feel like a parent saying this but the best way to get rid of a hangover is the limit the alcohol you consume. I'm not saying don't drink and don't go out and have fun, just do so in a responsible fashion. The human body can't handle alcohol daily in larger amount but going out and having fun is okay as long as you take care of yourself in the morning!