If your family is anything like mine, you've been watching the SNL Christmas Special for years. And, if you family is anything like mine, you have been conditioned to think it's the best thing ever. This Christmas special covers the entire span of SNL skits, from the earliest years of the show to the present day skits. While some are definitely better than others, there are a few that are iconic, timeless skits. Here are my favorites.
1. NPR'S Delicious Dish, Schweddy Balls
Okay, obviously had to start out with this gem. In this skit, two NPR hosts discuss their favorite Christmas treats. To continue the conversation, they invite Alec Baldwin's Pete Schweddy onto the show. He informs them of his favorite Christmas treat, his Schweddy Balls.
2. Holiday Treat for All
I don't know what the best part of this skit is: the tiny guitar, Jimmy Fallon in a Christmas sweater, or Tracy Morgan's dancing. Whatever it is, it makes me want to have this song playing on loop throughout the entire holiday season.
3. The Hanukkah Song
I miss young Adam Sandler. Before he began making really, really bad movies, he was actually really funny, believe it or not. This is one of my favorite Sandler skits; in the skit, he sings about the holiday of Hanukkah, who's Jewish, and who's not.
4. D*** in a Box
Okay, this is truly a timeless skit. I'm sure thousands of years from now, future humans will be laughing to JT and Andy Samberg singing about putting their package in, well, a package. Even if you aren't the biggest SNL fan, you know (and probably love) this skit.
5. A Very Downer Christmas
Debbie Downer is seriously one of my favorite characters to come off SNL. Anytime I hear that familiar *wah wah* I seriously die. It's definitely a sound we can all relate to, especially around the holidays.
6. Santa's My Boyfriend
Three of the funniest ladies to ever grace our TV screens sing about dating Santa. There's really nothing else I can say.
7. Hanukkah Harry
An oldie, but a classic. It's definitely a longer clip, but it's hilarious and definitely worth it.
8. Motivational Santa
Chris Farley was a classic member of SNL, and this skit is no exception. Dressed as a department store Santa, he motivates kids about life, presents, and Christmas. "WELL WHOOPDY FREAKIN DOO."
9. Wrappinville
The entire saga of the "'ville" skits is hilarious, but this one has always been a favorite of mine; I think because of the hilarious chemistry between Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon. "Bring it on down to Wrappinville!"
10. A Holiday Wish
To conclude the list of the best SNL holiday Christmas skits, I leave you with Steve Martin's holiday wish list. I hope you all have a wonderful, SNL-filled Christmas!