10 Best Series To Binge Watch On Netflix | The Odyssey Online
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10 Best Series To Binge Watch On Netflix

As Suggested by a Professional Binge-Watcher

10 Best Series To Binge Watch On Netflix
Geek and Sundry

If you don't binge-watch Netflix first of all: why? Second of all: how? I understand that not everyone has the extra time to watch a whole season of a TV show in one day. Luckily, I am at a place in my life where I do have the time. Okay, I lied. I seriously don't have the time, but I make the time. If you're between series and can't decide what to watch next, take a peek at this list and pick one you haven't already seen. This list consists of all of the series I've binge-watched on Netflix and a couple that I haven't watched, but have heard good things about. Enjoy!

1. "Grey's Anatomy"

You probably already knew this would be at the top of the list. This one is self-explanatory. Best show I've ever seen, but if you're not ready to get emotionally attached and dragged through extreme emotional turmoil, don't watch this show. P.S. Nearly everyone dies.

2. "Gossip Girl"

Chuck and Blair. Chuck and Blair. Chuck and Blair. Need I say more? Rich kids, power couples, and endless scandals. The perfect show for the average teenage girl, or practically anyone else.

3. "Orange is the New Black"

A show that no one thought they'd be interested in, but actually loved. Who knew a show about female inmates could be so hilarious, interesting, and relatable? It starts off a little weird, but I promise it gets better.

4. "House, M.D."

One of the funniest shows I've ever seen. If you liked "Grey's Anatomy," you'll like "House." Like "Grey's Anatomy," this is also one that you'll get emotionally attached to. It's full of surprises.

5. "90210"

A must-watch. I can say this because I've watched the whole series twice. It's that serious. Even though you'll probably hate the main character like I did, you'll fall in love (literally) with some of the others.

6. "The Secret Life of the American Teenager"

Another series I never thought I'd like, but came to love. "The Secret Life of the American Teenager" exposes you to a lot of real life problems that today's teenagers are more and more commonly experiencing. Like "90210," I also hated the main character in "The Secret Life." Team Ricky, though.

7. "Pretty Little Liars"

For quite a while, I absolutely refused to watch PLL because everyone else was so annoying about it. I finally gave in and got sucked into the scandalous and mysterious tale that took the world by a storm in 2010.

8. "Hart of Dixie"

This one doesn't get enough credit! I absolutely fell in love with this show. It has a little bit of something that every kind of person can relate to. Once again, I wasn't crazy about the main character, but I loved the storyline! Team Zoe & Wade!

9. "One Tree Hill"

Surprisingly, I have yet to watch this series. I'll admit that I did attempt to watch the very first episode, but just couldn't get into it. Everyone else seems to love it, though.

10. "Making a Murderer"

Another one that I have yet to see, but give it time and I'll probably be hooked, just like the rest of the world is right now. I've heard this one is best suited to those "CSI" and "Criminal Minds" lovers out there.

Basically, there is a Netflix series for everyone, whether you're into chick flicks, horror, mystery, or something else. If you look hard enough, I guarantee you'll find a show that's perfect for you. This list consists of the series that are perfect for me.

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This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator.
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