Politics in our country, at least in recent days, has transformed from something meant to be serious conversation to something that falls short of a comical side show. Following the first GOP President candidate debate held back in August, the citizens of these United States were introduced or reintroduced to a plethora of candidates. The results of the first debate skyrocketed some to the top, while others fed on the bottom until there was no more food left to the point of withdrawal from the Republican side of the race.
Now as the second highly anticipated debate has just concluded, lets review the Top 10, or in some cases not so Top 10, moments of the second GOP Debate.
10. Lets talk about Obama, again, and again, and again:
It seems like something all the GOP candidates have in common, they can't stop blaming Obama for the country's problems–from the current state of Syria to the current federal regulations on Planned Parenthood. In fact, President Barack Obama was mentioned 29 times in a negative way. I for one would like to see more on how the candidates would handle these situations and less of playing the blame game.
9. Ben Carson fails to impress after a soaring week in the polls:
Retired neurosurgeon, Dr. Ben Carson was in the number two spot going into CNN's GOP debate. However, the friendly and soft spoken doctor failed to elicit much during his time on the stage. Instead of jumping out of his bubble, Dr. Carson played it safe, remaining as the calm and humble individual we saw on the first debate. Only time will tell if the nice guy truly finishes last.
8. The many expressions of Mr. Donald Trump:
Throughout the campaign race, Donald trump has said controversial statements yet continued to lead in the polls. The second debate proved no different as Trump littered the field with continued controversy surrounding current topics as well as bashing other candidates. However, special attention was paid to the many facial expressions Trump portrayed. By the end of the night it had seemed as if Trump was testing out Snapchats new selfie facial recognition mode by the amount of times he raised his eyebrows or gawked his mouth.
7. Bush vs. Trump:
Jeb Bush and Donald Trump never seem to get a long and the second debate highlighted that when Gov. Bush demanded Trump to apologize for comments he made regarding Gov. Bush's Hispanic wife, Columba. The comment Gov. Bush was referring too was,
"If my wife were from Mexico, I think I would have a soft spot for people from Mexico," Trump said.
Bush took advantage of this comment to invoke a major climax in the speech when he confronted Mr. Trump head on with,
"To subject my wife into the middle of a raucous political conversation was completely inappropriate, and I hope you apologize for that, Donald.", Bush said.
6. Bush defending Bush against Trump:
Gov. Bush's wife was not the only Bush trump decided to trim on. He began a controversial string of questioning with the following comment,
"Your brothers administration gave us Barack Obama. Because it was such a disaster, the last three months, that Abraham Lincoln couldn’t have been elected,” Trump said.
Gov. Bush was having none of this, and came back with the most applauded line of the night,
“One thing about my brother, he kept us safe,” Bush exclaimed.
Advantage Bush.
5. Dr. Trump confers with Dr. Carson about vaccines:
A rather odd point during the night was when Donald Trump appeared to pull out his medical degree regarding vaccines. Spurring conversation upon a topic that is laid down with hard facts, Donald demanded change. Dr. Carson weighed in as well, but not in the way that many expected. Instead of using the cold hard facts that science shows us, Dr. Carson remained neutral to Trump–overlooking an easy attack he could have placed on Trump.
4. Marco Rubio and his water:
Before the debate even began, the candidates were allowed a brief introduction phase. When the camera's turned to one Marco Rubio, he ended his introduction with a half-hearted joke about Californians current drought and how he brought his own water. Stick to the politics senator, not flat jokes about water.
3. Chris Christie shuts up the Trump/Fiorina complex:
A key moment in the midst of a Trump/Fiorna battle came from Gov. Chris Christie.
"While I'm as entertained as anyone by this personal back and forth about the history of Donald and Carly's career, for the 55-year-old construction worker out in that audience tonight who doesn't have a job ... they could care less about your career," Christie said.
A stunned Fiorina tried to respond with some statements regarding her comments as a build up to her leadership experience, but it simply added more fuel to the Chris Christie fire.
"We don't want to hear about your careers," he said. "You're both successful people: congratulations! You know who's not successful? The middle class in this country. Let's start talking about those issues tonight and stop this childish back and forth between you," Christie continued.
2. Jeb and weed:
The moment that we all were waiting for, Jeb Bush admitting to the world that he smoked weed. Yes, some 40 years ago Jeb was a simple teenager, with simple teenager hobbies, which at the time of age, includes partaking in some less than conventional hobbies that a future presidential candidate would like to have branded across there chest. Nevertheless, he shut it down quickly with an apology to his mom, former first lady Barbara Bush, and turning the view quickly towards the fight against drugs such as heroin. Clever Jeb.
1. Fiorina vs. Trump:
The big winner of the night was someone who wasn't even present in the first debate. Rising up from the so called "minor-league" debate, Carly Fiorina former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, rose to the challenge Wednesday night in front of a viewing crowing of over 23 million. The former CEO discussed a multitude of topics, highlighting the conversation of Planned Parenthood in a very descriptive statement calling out Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
In an emotional action, she also addressed drug policy making her private experience with drug addiction and her daughters public, saying that she was faced with the trials that drug addiction brings to a family. In the end, Fiorina went toe-to-toe with Trump in a heated exchange where she held her own against the number one leader in the GOP polls. In a powerful statement that garnered her the most applause of her night,
"I think women all over this country heard very clearly what Mr. Trump said."
You go girl.
Well, the second debate of the Republican race to find a candidate has concluded and although some may have faltered while others flourished, most will get a chance for redemption at the next debate in late October.