As I'm writing this on November 11, 2018, multiple radio stations have begun playing Christmas music, and when this article is published, other stations probably have begun too or will begin to play Christmas music very soon. I was so surprised by this, and it got me thinking if it was too early for Christmas music.
I wanted to know what other people thought, so I took a poll on Twitter, with a screenshot below (excuse the grammatical error but feel free to follow me!). It asks, "When is it a good time for radio stations to begin playing Christmas music?" Here are the results: 43% said Thanksgiving, 29% said December 1st, 17% said November 1st, 11% said December 18th, and one Twitter user tweeted at me with her preference being Black Friday.
I was not surprised with the results, but if I had to vote, it would be very hard for me, because although I agree with the majority, it would be hypocritical of me to say that I am not excited that Christmas music is being played now. I love Christmas, and I can be found listening to my Spotify Christmas playlist at any point during the year, but I understand those who do not want Christmas music this early.
I also understand that Christmas is getting rushed into. Stores begin setting up for Christmas right after Halloween, TV stations are playing Christmas movies, and Starbucks' holiday drinks are already available. Either you might love it or you might hate it.
Whether you think that it is way too early for Christmas music, or you're very excited for it, neither are wrong. If you love Christmas music and are super excited by it being on the radio, embrace your festive side and enjoy it! If you aren't here for Christmas music just yet, no big deal!
There are a ton of other ways to get classic radio nowadays. Just celebrate how and when you want to.