It's pretty obvious that I have been very open with things that I have been through and things that I may be currently going through. I feel that by being so open about everything I have been through, it gives me the chance to help people who may feel the same way that I feel or have felt at least one time in my life. In the past, me opening up has helped so many people and I’m honored to have helped someone but, it has also led me to friendships and relationships being torn apart. Numerous time I have been left by a friend or a group of friends because I have simply been open about my struggles and almost every time, their response is, “I’m sorry, I can’t deal with all of your issues.” I know. That sounds crazy to think that someone has said that but you would be surprised to know how many people actually said something like that to me, so you know what? Here is my response to those people.
To the people who left because of my struggles.
Opening up about my struggles was not a move I did to make anyone run. It was not a move to make anyone feel bad for me. It was a move I did to help people. I wanted a friend. So, because of fact that so many people dropped me like a fly because I have “too many issues”, I just want you to know how bad that hurt me. You were the people I needed most when I was struggling. I wanted SO bad to be able to talk to anyone of you but instead, I was too much of a bother to you. I hope you understand how it feels to be left in the dark alone at least once in your life because that’s exactly what you all did to me. You left me alone in the dark to deal with everything I was going through on my own. For someone who has a past like me, a friend is just something I needed and that is not what I got. But now looking back, I hope you’re happy that I am not in your life because I know for sure I am WAY happier without you. I shed way too many tears for people who do not give a damn about me. I have found friends who love me for me even if I have “issues.” I have friends who would do anything for me. So, thank you for leaving me. Thank you for removing yourselves from my life because I know for a fact that I would have done it myself eventually. I do not have to deal with your negativity anymore and I do not have to deal with you bringing me down 24/7 just to bring yourselves up. I am now surrounded by so much positivity and I never want that to change because for once, I am happy. I am happy with the way my life is going at this point in time even if I have “issues.” So, I hope you have a great life, peeps, and I hope to never have to see or talk to you again. And I know people will say it in the future so I just want anyone to know who may say that to someone who you think has too many issues, that it hurts.
Peace love,