Nobody ever wants to feel like they are different than others, especially for their culture or religion. In the world today, unfortunately making others feel like the outsider has become the norm. Prejudging and ignorant opinions towards others over their cultures or religions fill the air with hatred and harsh words. As a person who has felt victimized for their cultural and family background, I know exactly how much of an effect words of hatred affect people.
Ignorant opinions about others have more of a pull than people think.
Coming from an Islamic family and Arabic background, I have experienced a bit of backlash from what the media has portrayed me to be. But I had not experienced anything quite like this before. I was having harsh comments thrown at me left and right.
“I thought your dad had four wives.”
“I think there is almost a cultural difference between her and us.”
Up until that point, I had never viewed myself as an outsider, but this changed my entire outlook on how I viewed myself. Was I truly too cultured? Should I try to hide where I'm from? Should I stop being “too” much? I began to feel ashamed my cultured background.
However, throughout time I realized that I had to be an example for others and stand as an example of my culture. With so much hatred being thrown all around, I had to be the one to stand and be proud of who I was. I became more involved in my school's cultural organizations and i began to speak highly of of my culture and lend an open ear to other cultures as well. I began to educate others on how beautiful it is to be “different." Not only did this give me an opportunity to teach others about how important it is to be open minded, but it also gave others the chance to tell me their stories.
Through this experience I learned how important it is for you to educate yourself and educate others on everything that is going on across the globe. To always keep an opened mind and an opened heart and to encourage others to do the same. To never assume anything about anyone or make others feel any “less” because they are different than you.
Our generation, especially in midst of everything that is going on in politics and the news should be the ones to stand up against any negativity and harsh words that are directed towards any type of group of people.
No matter your culture, race, religion you should love and respect others just as equally as you would love and respect yourself. And we should teach others to do the same.