Dear busy folks,
I want to be clear from the beginning that I'm not hating on you or judging. In fact, I'm writing this on my way to class with half of my mind worrying about everything I have to do today. I get it. Life's a crazy hectic mess and you barely have time for yourself. You want to get back to your friends but you just can't right now; they understand.
I don't refute any of this. However, I want you to be honest with yourself and think about the following questions:
If someone you loved was dying would you be too busy to see him? If you got a call from your favorite singer would you be too busy to call her back? Are you so busy that you have to forgo eating and sleeping completely?
Unless you're on your way to having a massive mental breakdown, you probably answered no most of these questions. Now, this doesn't mean you aren't busy. You are busy, no one denies that. It just means you prioritize things that matter to you. You make time for the things that matter to you.
Now, with this in mind, I want you to think about those people who always make time to contact you, not in an annoying way but in a caring way. Those people who keep reaching out no matter how many times you don't respond. They're prioritizing you. You are important to them. Your well-being matters to them.
Let that sink in...
Before you freak yourself out, please know that you don't have to prioritize everyone that priorities you. Honestly, I have very nice people in my life that I don't prioritize and vice versa. That's OK! But it's not OK to say that you care about someone and claim to be their best friend when you don't prioritize them. It only takes a few seconds to say hi or check in on someone. You can give someone a quick call. These things seem small but if someone really cares about you, sometimes all that person needs is something small to feel appreciated and loved. If you can't at least try to do something small to show a friend she is a priority in your life, please don't BS her and say you care about the friendship. Let her go. It sounds cruel but it's honestly the kindest thing you can do. Someone who is that loving deserves a friend who can give her what you can't.