The Legend, Tony Romo, Retired From The Dallas Cowboys | The Odyssey Online
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The Legend, Tony Romo, Retired From The Dallas Cowboys

Dallas Cowboys fans all over the country are sad to see the leader of America's Team go, but we will always remember his accomplishments.

The Legend, Tony Romo, Retired From The Dallas Cowboys
AP Photo/Evan Vucci

On Tuesday morning, April 4, 2017, Dallas Cowboys fans and anyone who pays attention to the NFL found out that the beloved quarterback of 14 years, Tony Romo, was retiring.

Due to injuries in the 2016 preseason, Tony Romo was unable to be the starting quarterback for the Cowboys for the 2016-2017 season; that's when rookie Dak Prescott came in and shook the world, leading the team to at one point in the middle of the season being the #1 team in the NFL and having only one loss.

Throughout the 2016-2017 season, the Cowboys, sports announcers, other members of the NFL staff, and fans were questioning whether Tony Romo would get to play quarterback again, since Dak Prescott was making power moves with many of the men on the team, including the rookie running-back Ezekiel Elliott.

While fans of "America's Team" were ecstatic that the Boys were doing so well, people wondered what would be the fate of Tony Romo. People pretty much figured he would either remain a backup quarterback second string, be traded to another team, or worse, retire entirely.

Sadly, Romo willingly retired on his own account.

Tony Romo is not, and should not, be discouraged by his conclusion with the Dallas Cowboys, though. Romo hit many records not only with his team, but in the whole National Football League.

He made 4 Pro-Bowl appearances, has a career passer rating of a 97.1 (which is the third greatest in history behind Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady), and is the Cowboys' all-time leader with 248 touchdowns, and the leader in passing yards. These are some a few of the noteworthy accomplishments of Romo.

Tony Romo's last game ever played as a Cowboy was in the 2016-2017 season against the Philadelphia Eagles. It was his only game of the season, and in this game, he had a 134.4 passer rating. His last drive and last throw of his career ended with a touchdown pass to Terrance Williams. That is something to be incredibly proud of.

Here is a video of this final touchdown pass, as well as a video of what the NFL considers to be Tony Romo's 10 most memorable moments.

Tony Romo could probably be considered the most under-appreciated quarterback. Many Cowboys fans will miss this legend as he pursues his new career as a lead CBS analyst for football showings. But we will still remember his hell of a career, his connection with his coach Jason Garrett, and his teammates Owens, Witten, and Bryant.It would be wishful thinking to hope he would come out of retirement like Brett Farve did, but no matter what, his decision to leave was a tough one. He deserves the best for the rest of his life. Tony Romo will forever be a Cowboy, and he has surely made his mark in Dallas, Texas.Thank you #9!
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