Where was my life even headed before I met you? I don’t remember and I’m not so sure that I would’ve wanted it to go that way anyway. Ever since you came into my life, or crashed your way in, I’ve been on a different path and I know that I like it. I like the person I’ve become since I met you. I’m more myself than I’ve ever been because you pushed me to be that way. When I was too forgiving with people and kept letting them walk over me because of my age-old excuse of how I don’t like hurting people, you let me know that it was crap. You refused to allow me to let myself be treated that way and you helped me realize that I deserve more. Thank you.
Above everything else, I want to thank you for choosing to be my best friend. You didn’t have to stick around after we met, but I’m beyond glad that you did. There aren’t enough words in the English language to tell you just how thankful I am for you. In the short few months that we’ve known each other, you’ve treated me better than friends that I used to have who had known me for years. You’ve been there for me since day one of our friendship and never stopped proving your loyalty to me. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten so close to someone so fast and it actually worked out really well even months later. When I was dealing with a bad breakup, you were there reminding me who I am and picking me up every time life got to be too much to deal with. You refused to allow me to blame myself and apologize for things beyond my control. You see the best in me even when I’m at my worst.
Thank you for always telling me like it is. You help me stay grounded and know when it’s time to finally let things go. I couldn’t have gotten through half of the things that I have dealt with this year if it weren’t for you. Thank you for keeping my secrets. You’re one of the very few people that I know I can trust. Thank you for never judging me for any part of my past, but for judging me hardcore when I freak out over something stupid or when I tear up during the sad part of shows or movies. Thank you for watching my favorite show with me, even if you started doing so on accident… as in you sat down not realizing what it was. Thank you for supporting me and for not getting angry when I totally "Mom" you. (I know it happens a lot.) Thank you for being up for anything and for crashing on my floor without trying anything. It’s nice to finally have a guy best friend who doesn’t try to hit on me. Thank you for being there and actually listening to me no matter what time of day it is. Thank you for our breakfast dates, all-nighters and thank you for always keeping me laughing.
They say every girl needs a guy best friend and I couldn’t ask for a better one. When God sent you my way, He sent me a friend for life. I promise you that I’m always going to be honest with you. I promise that I’ll watch a Star Wars movie with you for every one of my movies that you watch with me. (There, now it’s in writing.) I promise that I’ll always be there for you, buddy.