For the longest time, I knew I was going to be a teacher. I used to teach all of the kids on my block what I had learned everyday in school. Over time, what I had wanted to teach had changed. First, it was kindergarten, then maybe high school, until I finally decided on special education. The students that I had worked with, had such a profound impact on my life, and I knew that was what I was going to do. The day that I decided not to continue on with my studies in education, was the hardest choice of my life. Even so, my kiddos still have an impact on my life.
To My Kiddos-
You may not have known this, but you have changed my life. I call you my kiddos because in a way, I feel that you are. We've been through a lot together, you and I. I've seen you when you were having your worst days, the great days and the so-so days in between. I've been your shoulder to cry on, the person you shared your most exciting moments of the day with (yes, even if it just was you got a cool new yellow crayon), the person you discussed your plans of being president when you grow up, the person that helped you when you were sick, helped feed and care for you, and I was the one your parents trusted completely to watch over you. I call you my kiddos because in a way, you are.
From the moments of working at the summer rec camps, to working with you in your classrooms, to visiting you at home, seeing you in the hospital and everything in between. There were the good times and the bad. There were the long summer days of kicking, screaming and crying - might be all you remember, but I have fonder memories. I remember teaching you how to finally write your names in our daily journals. I remember your excitement when I brought in sand and shaving cream for sensory exploration. I remember how you would hug me goodbye at the end of the day and would never let go. Most importantly, I remember the look on your parents faces when I could tell them what a joy it was to have you there that day.
Those are the moments that I remember, cherish and look back fondly upon.
The day that I left my education major behind was one of the hardest decisions I have had to make. It was the day that I thought I would no longer have an impact on your lives. But I realized that our pasts together would continue to have an impact on your lives, and mine as well. And my new journey in life allows me to have an impact on so many more kiddos lives than I ever thought possible. I didn't leave because I don't care. I left so I could try something new. And each and every single day I think of all of you, and where you are.
Most of all, what I want to let you know is I hope you all are well. I hope you are accomplishing your goals and chasing your dreams. I hope the world is accepting and understanding.
And finally, I want you to know that even though all along you thought I was there to change your lives, you were the ones to change my life in the end. And for that, I am forever grateful.
All My Love,
Your Former Teacher