The phrase “everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about” sounds cliche. And maybe it is. But it’s the truth. Over the past 6 months my community has lost 4 young people in tragic ways. I know that tragic things happen every day all around the world, but the fact that these tragedies have hit so close to home really puts life in perspective.
Two of the young men taken too soon were my classmates. I literally sat next to them in class and saw them everyday for four years. If you would have told my 16 year old self that in 7 years these two would no longer be walking this earth, I wouldn’t have believed it. You hear about bad things happening in the world, but it’s always somewhere else. Never in your own community.
As a 23 year old, I feel as though I have forever to live. I put off things for tomorrow that I should get done today in assumption that tomorrow is going to come. I don’t say things that are on my mind in fear of what the outcome will be, without the understanding that I might not have another chance to say them. These events that have impacted my community so greatly might not have directly impacted my daily life, but have affected those whom I love and care about which makes my heart ache. I have made a pact with myself to live life everyday with no regrets, let those I love know they are loved, and to eat the bowl of ice cream if I really want it. Life is so precious and can be taken away in an instant so I am not going to waste any of the time I have second guessing myself or the things that I feel are right. Never take life for granted, and out of all the things you can be, always choose to be kind.