Tomi Lahren:
Before I begin, I do want to thank you for the limited contributions you’ve made in the political world. There is truly no one like you, and your attitude and confidence makes people listen to what you have to say. That’s pretty cool. I’d like to say you serve as an inspiration to me, but I really can’t say I look up to someone who has a derogatory, borderline offensive point of view about literally everything.
However, my inital impression of you was far from the person you actually seem to be. The first video I saw of yours was in regards to the Brock Turner verdict. You told him to go to hell and mocked his father’s plea to the judge in plain language, you didn't use a statistic or an expert's testimony. It was clear that everything you said, you believed in and stood behind. I agreed with what you were putting out there, but more than that I was intrigued by your persona. I had never seen a woman, let alone a twenty three year old who actually spoke, looked and dressed like a twenty three year old, make her thoughts and opinions known so candidly about controversial issues, without being offensive. I’d like to think I can do that, but I don’t have a filter and I have the mouth of a truck driver. I thought that maybe, you would be someone I could look up to in regards to getting my point across in a respectful, but powerful way. I started watching some of your other videos and ran a Google search of my own. Your appeal faded faster than Brock Turner’s jail sentence.
I just have to point out before I continue, that you constantly bring up liberals, referring to them as “snowflakes” who get offended by everything. HOWEVER, you have an entire segment of your show dedicated to bitching about: Jesse Williams, Colin Kaepernick, Trevor Hall, the United Nations, and about a million more people and organizations that will be mentioned later in this article. For a girl who hates whiners, you sure seem to do a lot of it yourself.
To be honest, it’s really hard to watch your videos, not only because of the ridiculous things you say, but also because of the manner in which you say them. Take a breath once in awhile and stop screaming like a banshee about Beyonce, I don't think she cares if you like her not. True power comes from your words, not how loud you can raise you high-pitched, migraine inducing voice. It is not the occasional PG-13 language that I have an issue with, we all curse, nothing to get freaked out over. It is your twisted views on issues like feminism, Black Lives Matter, and the KKK that offend me.
Comparing the KKK to the Black Lives Matter movement (or Black Lives Matter More movement, one of your many politically incorrect terms) is as unintelligent as it gets, what did they teach you at UNLV? The KKK was founded on white nationalism and anti-immigration, as well as a purification of the American society. Black Lives Matter came to be after many, many shooting deaths of unarmed black men by police officers that may (or may not) have been justified. Are there people involved with BLM that take things too far? Yes, burning and looting stores is inexcusable. HOWEVER, that is not why the organization was founded. Please do your research, educate yourself, maybe even sit in on a middle school history class before you open your mouth and make yourself look like an idiot.
The next time you’re on your phone, before you put out another well-thought out, articulate tweet like:
I suggest you download the Merriam-Webster Dictionary app and look up the term “feminism”. You will see, in plain English, that it means “the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes”. It has nothing to do with Hillary Clinton or Lena Dunham, or Wonder Woman, in reference to your eloquent video bashing the UN for not doing enough to help the victims of Aleppo. You really seem to not like the idea of feminism, which is ironic because you truly are a fresh female face for the traditionally male-dominated Republican party. You’ve got the power to truly make a difference in this world, but I guess you’d rather waste it ranting about MTV and defending your right to use the term "woke". Do your thing, like you say, it's your First Amendment right to do so, but it's also my First Amendment right to criticize you.
It’s really a shame that you are so hateful and uninformed, but even worse, you have a whole following based on your ignorance.
You say you want to be a part of Donald Trump’s movement to “Make America Great Again”, and I believe the perfect way to do that is by removing yourself from the Internet, maybe take a yoga class to relax a little, let go of some of that anger, and think before you speak. Those are my final thoughts, from New Jersey, aka one of the coast states (another thing you've bashed on your show), God bless and goodnight.
A Beyonce-loving, feminist "snowflake" who wants you off her Facebook feed.