No matter what age you are, somethings from our childhood never change.
Growing up, I was very shy and had a hard time making friends. I learned pretty quickly in my young age that boys are easier to talk to and really don't care if you're socially awkward if you can talk about the things they like. Since a majority of my friends growing up were boys, I was not a fan of anything girly.
From the age of 6-12, I was one of the guys meaning I resented anything that was considered "girly". From 13 to present day, I have since left behind the thought process that anything girly is stupid and have embraced my feminine tendencies. While I am a little more "girly" now, I am still a tomboy in some ways. Here are a few things every girl who has a bit of badass tomboy in her relates to.
1. You can do anything a boy can do.
Damn straight! Whether it be video games, sports, chugging contests, racing, or any other male-dominated past time, you can do it just as good as they can and you won't let anyone tell you differently.
2. All your friends are mainly boys.
If your friends are mainly boys, you start to pick up their mannerisms. You help them say the right things to the girls they like, they help you come up with the best comeback when your girlfriends are being dramatic. Honestly, if you don't have guy friends I strongly suggest you find some because no one will ever protect you or give it to you as straight as your guy friends will.
3. You prefer pants over skirts/dresses.
Sure dresses and skirts are cute, but man do they limit your freedom. If you need to bend down in a dress, you have to do the side crouch so no one can see up your dress/skirt. In a dress/skirt, you also need to keep your knees together as well. Pants, on the other hand, give you the freedom to move without giving it a second thought.
4. You laugh when anyone is afraid to bait a hook or shoot a gun.
Sissys! It's a little worm, sure it's a little bloody at first but nothing more than a minor cut would bleed. Also, shooting a gun is not scary if you know how to properly handle one and in today's society that is a critical skill to learn. Man up!
5. You're super competitive especially when it comes to sports.
Whether it's watching or playing sports you are fully committed to it. Much like #1, you can do anything a guy can do attitude follows into the sports realm. You aren't afraid to cross check, kick, shove, and tackle anyone as long as it helps you win. Winning is the goal and you aren't afraid of the blood, sweat, and tears that usually comes along with taking on the guys in any contact sport.
6. You don't really get along with girls.
Chicks = Drama. Guys are the BEST at letting things go or addressing issues immediately. They rarely let things stew to the point of screaming at you randomly when you do something that triggers the emotions like a lot of girls do. Also, guys make great listeners and they aren't afraid to be blunt. I'm not saying all girls are hard to be friends with, sometimes its just easier to talk to guys.
7. You prefer action films over chick flicks.
If you have to pick a movie, chances are you're going to pick The Godfather or Jason Bourne over The Notebook. Chick flicks are all the same while action movies know how to keep you entertained and guessing for hours.
8. You're not the best at makeup.
You try but you're no Kylie Jenner. You'd rather be outside playing baseball than sitting and taking the time to perfect the art of contouring. As long as you got the basics such as mascara and lip gloss on, you're set.
9. Pink is one of the worst colors to ever exist.
It's bright and screams girly. You can think of 20 other colors you'd rather use/wear other than pink because who really likes that bright feminine color? After all, if Paris Hilton (the ultimate Barbie) wears this color all the time why would you want to be caught dead in something she wears?
10. You swear like a sailor sometimes.
Chances are if you hang around the guys all the time, you've picked up on their explicit vocabulary. You grow immune to it over time and find it does properly portray your anger and frustration sometimes. The downside is, you forget how much you swear because of your immunity and that can sometimes cause issues of when it is and is not appropriate to use curse words.