We all have that one person in our lives we absolutely cannot stand, but we are forced into close quarters with them anyway, whether through a club, sports team or workplace. So I have concocted a list from experience of how to deal with that person.
1. Take satisfaction knowing you probably annoy the hell out of them too.
Let's be honest -- there's always a splash of rivalry in this situation. You can't stand each other. So at least you know you're not alone in your feelings of animosity.
2. Know you won't be stuck with them forever.
Whatever situation you're in take solace in the fact nothing lasts forever and soon this person who drives you up a wall, will be out of your life.
3. Learn to laugh at it.
Their annoying tendencies and rude comments toward you, learn to laugh at it because the truth is, their behavior is so ridiculous.
4. Ignore, ignore, ignore, ignore, ignore.
You have a lot of other friends, a lot of other things to do and a lot more important people in your life. Don't let someone else steal your joy, an age old motto you should live by.
5. Kill them with kindness.
I like to believe everyone we come across has faced their own turmoil in life, so sometimes the best thing you can do is to simply be kind. We don't know what this person is going through and you might just be a punching bag, so sometimes it's better to be kind than to be right.
6. Learn your lesson.
Whether you want to admit it or not, everyone is in your life for a reason, even the people you can't tolerate. So learn what you can about how to work with people like this, because you are always going to come across people you can't stand or can't get along with, but sometimes you have to anyway. From this person, learn a little bit about who you want to be and how you want to treat others.