Sometimes, being a B-word is the only option we have. Here are 5 reasons why told by Blair and Serena:
1. Sometimes... it's the Only Way to Get a Point Across.
Being nice doesn't work all of the time. Being a b**** is the only way to make our points clear. Now, folks, that's OK. When someone isn't listening to you and you're sick of repeating yourself... being stern is the only option.
2. Brutal Honesty Helps Loved Ones...
Other occasions when it's OK to be a b**** is when you have to be brutally honest. This is a typical scenario when it comes to friends. They can take this as you being rude but brutal honesty only helps in the long run. It's OK to be the person to give others reality slaps. Don't be afraid to verbally slap someone upside the head.
3. People You Don't Like Won't Interact with You.
No one likes a mean person so pretending to be a straight b-word can make others not want to be around you. This works great with people you already can't stand. I promise they won't bug you again.
4. It Comes Naturally.
Like me, some people are just naturally b****y, it happens. Being a b**** can be instinctive. It's fine if you know how to use it confidently and at the right times. There have been times when I have to stop myself from going overboard. It's just something that comes naturally for me. Know how to tone it down, you'll be all set.
5. The Situation Calls for it.
There are some situations where being a b**** is the only way to get things under control. You have to be stern in order to get the situation and parties involved back to reality.