Way too often, people look at others who may appear to be very thin or even just smaller than they are and tell them that they can fix themselves by simply eating a cheeseburger. Well here's what I have to say to that; stop and no thanks, I'd rather have something good for my body. You don't even realize what you're telling me and so many others by pushing this seemingly innocent food item in our faces. So stick around because I'm about to tell you what you're actually saying when you tell me to "eat a cheeseburger."
By telling me to eat a cheeseburger, you're implying that I'm freakishly skinny. Well I have news for you. My doctor, who is much more qualified than you commoner, gives me scientific proof showing that I am a healthy weight and size so pipe down. I'm not starving and in need of edible substance. I'm good. Also, say I keep eating these cheeseburgers. They're not the best food to be putting into your body. If I'm going to fuel my body, I want it to be with whole foods and things that will leave me feeling good and not lethargic. Eating a cheeseburger won't make me healthier in any sane person's standard.
Also, I'm not a farm animal that needs to be fattened up so I can be put up for resale. No one will benefit from my fattening so why does it even matter? My size should be no one's business but my own. Don't even think for a second that I'm going to take the advice from a random person because you don't like how small I am. Get over it and walk away.
Do you think I'm unaware of the size of my body? That's pretty rude if you find it okay to walk up to someone who you may not even know and basically be like "Hey, I don't know you but you're really skinny. Did you know that? Well you should eat something." I'm completely in tune with my body and aware of the changes it goes through. I pay attention to what goes in it and what comes out. I don't need some random know-it-all to tell me how I should be treating my body. Especially when you are dead wrong.
I'm not anorexic, I'm not deathly thin. I'm just a girl who is mindful to what ingredients she puts in her body and exercises the way a girl my age should. I am a healthy weight with an average body fat content. My body is a work in progress that is improving every time I make a wise decision regarding what I eat. You trying to dictate what I eat goes against that progress. I would greatly appreciate it if you stepped back. Next time you try and push a burger into my face, I'm going to tell you where you can shove it.