To My Fellow Teammates:
We are a family and if we put our minds to it together we can accomplish anything. We have each other’s backs no matter what. Through the ups and downs we will stick together no matter the odds. We all know that one of the best feelings in the world is winning. What’s better than sharing that feeling with your team – your family. However, we all also know that one of the worse feelings is loosing. No one likes to loose but we can’t let that bring us down. Trust me I know that’s easier said then done. TOGETHER is how we will achieve our goals and get to where we belong -- on top
T is for Trust
Before we can worry about anything we have to make sure that we fully trust what our team can do – no matter the odds. The first step in winning is believing and trusting the fact that we as a team can do so.
O is for Observation
Sometimes It’s good to take a step back and really observe what’s going on. This helps you notice if there’s something that may not be working but we keep doing it the same way anyway. Observing the actions of everyone, yourself included, can help you get down to the “problem” or something that’s not working to well. It can help you see things a different way and propose something that may just work a little better. This can effect the overall performance of the entire team.
G is for Goals
It’s important that we set goals for ourselves. Goals can change overtime but it’s important that they remain present whether we’re up or down. Let these goal serve as a bare minimum of what you want and push to not only reach but to pass your goals. Though the ultimate goal is to win set other goals for yourself whether it's trying something new or perfecting a move you've done countless times.
E is for Energy
Having energy is a bare necessity. It’s important that we have positive energy especially when playing a game. Believe it or not negative energy can work to our advantage – if you use it the right way. Let’s say you’re frustrated because the opposing team has the lead on your team. Take that frustration and channel it into motivation, let it be the force that drives you to win – that makes you want to win even more. No matter the odds it’s important to keep up the energy because with it anything is possible.
T is for Teamwork
We need to work as a team to accomplish our goals. One of the key factors of being a team is communication. We need to talk to each other. If you notice someone’s a little off let them know. I’m not saying be a harsh critic towards them but to kindly let them know what you think. This goes both ways look at what you’re doing and communicate to your team if you’re not sure what to do, how to do it, or simply if just want to make sure you’re doing it right. As a team one of our responsibilities is to help our teammates prosper and to do that we need to communicate.
H is for Hard-work
You have to put your heart into it. You have to give everything that you have and put your absolute all into it. Hard work is essential to almost everything that we do. Hard work will make the win feel even bigger knowing that what you did played a role in the win. Doesn't feel great to work hard doing something you love and get rewarded for it?
E is for Encouragement
As important as it to communicate with your team it’s just as important to encourage them. Sometimes that little bit of encouragement is just the boost that your teammates need to help them be confident. Sometimes it’s good to give “compliment sandwiches.” This is when you give a compliment followed by constructive criticism ending with another compliment. This is a good method for boosting the confidence in someone. Don’t always focus on the negative always remember to acknowledge the positive.
R is for Taking Risks and Being Creative
Don’t be afraid to stop playing it safe. When you’re playing it safe your actions are more predictable, which can really help the opposing team instead of us. I’m not saying stray from the plays but sometimes it’s good to “CREATE” in order to achieve the overall goal. If something looks like it may not work create a new way for your objective to reach.
If we work TOGETHER we can surely accomplish our goals and get that win. "Together on 3... 1,2,3 TOGETHER!"