Tony Tinderholt, a Republican from Arlington, Texas said that the current abortion laws that Texas is trying to pass will make women have to be more personally responsible. This statement is why we still need feminism today in the United States. Since women's suffrage started in the late 1800s/early 1900s, women have been trying to get rights for women. Despite all the progress women in the states over a hundred years later we still struggle on a daily basis holding our rights. And the rights we do have, there is always someone trying to justify taking them away from us.The fight for women's right is still needed in the United States, no matter all the progress we take. Because in 2019, we just took a big step back.
Roe v. Wade was a blessing to women in the states. It gave them the chance to choose. To choose their future, their dreams and whenever they venture down motherhood. The states imposing heart beat laws and stricter abortion regulation laws are taking away the choice from women. We need feminism still in the United States because we are having our rights stripped from us. We aren't having the ability to have control over our bodies. And we are letting ourselves become pawns to the government who move us from one direction to another.
What happened to church and state? When did America decide to become a christian based nation? Its never was. So how come we are having religion being tied into our politics? Its only natural that we all hold biases. However, you can't walk into a political setting and say, "This is correct because so and so said God". God should have no control in the government. Then why in moments like this, when the topic about abortion, is God in the court room as well?
All around the world women are fighting to have the right to their own body. Women are fighting for equality and having their voices and screams heard. They keep screaming despite having the government put a hand over their mouth and telling them to shush. We need feminism in the United States just as much as we need it in a developing country, because things are still not right or equal. Women are still being viewed lesser then a rapist in the eyes of the law. We need feminism because no women should be dying from trying to terminate a pregnancy. No teenage girl at fourteen should be crying after she finds out she is pregnant from a night after drinking. No women should find herself having to carry the baby to her abusive partner that she has tried running away from countless times.
We have abortions for a reason. To give women a choice and a decision in their own lives. We need feminism because we need to find an universe voice, when the world around us is silencing us still. This is not the America I know, we need feminism because its time to make this an America to be proud of.