Yeah, sex is cool, but an actual meaningful relationship is so much better. This completely contradicts my last article but it holds truth. I don’t understand what the notion of meaningless sex is. It’s a screwed up version of a friends with benefits situation. Either you like the person or you don’t. BUT, then there are those people who hook-up with someone and then later decide they don’t like them because they were too ‘easy.’
First of all, what the hell does that even mean? It takes two to tango, y’all. If he or she was too easy, then chances are you were too. So what’s the point of even saying something like that? You’re no better than the other person.
I think deep down you know you don’t like the person enough to engage in an actual relationship with them, so why hook-up with them in the first place? Are you bored? You need some entertainment? If that’s the case, then pick up a book. Go for a run. Do normal people shit and eat because you’re bored. Don’t play with people’s emotions.
Come on guys, there are countless movies about ‘friends with benefits,’ one of them always gets attached. One of them literally ends up falling for the other. Every single time. So technically, you’re just setting yourself up for failure. In the end one of you is going to end up in the drivers seat of your car stuffing your face with donuts. And as an added bonus, you ruin an existing or potential friendship without meaning too. Someone always gets hurt. ALWAYS. Even if they claim left, right, up, and down that they aren’t hurt- they are. They won't say anything because they don’t want to be THAT person. But since when is it a bad thing to fall for the other person? When did it become such a crime to “catch feelings?”
I think it has a lot to do with the fact that this generation no longer values actual relationships. There really is no more dating, there’s “talking” and “hooking-up.” If you make it passed one of those two ‘stages’ then you’ve struck gold cause that’s a rare commodity these days. Why waste your time when you know it isn’t going to go anywhere? Better question, why waste time when you know in the end someone is going to get heartbroken? At the end of the whole mess, one of you is going to be listening to Drakes Marvins Room for a whole ass month.
This generation mistakes lust for love. They're two completely different concepts guys.
A word of advice that you may have not asked for: quit the hook-up portion. If you’re really attracted to someone then get to know them as a person before getting to know them in the biblical sense. Get to know their favorite color(s), what their greatest fear in life is, what they aspire to be and why. Don’t waste your time on a simple, and essentially meaningless hook-up. They’re really not worth it.