We all have those days where life just isn't working in our favor. Whether it be something serious or we just keep getting stuck in really silly situations. Here are a few tips so that you don't find yourself stuck in these situations.
1. Check the stall in a public bathroom for toilet paper before you shut the door.
2. Put things you need to take with you in the car ASAP.
3. Double check your to-go cup to make sure the lid is on all the way.
4. Check your food before leaving the restaurant.
5. Find what you need the next day at night.
6. Get a phone case.
7. Keep an umbrella in the car.
8. Keep a second phone charger handy.
9. Even if you're not sure you'll need something, bring it anyways.
10. Seltzer can take fresh stains out.
11. Just don't ever leave your bed.
Follow these simple tips and you'll never have a bad day again!