As I sit at my desk in my dorm room, at a large manor in the English countryside, and process the news that we as a nation have just elected Donald Trump as our next president, I can't help but feel sad for America. We were doing so well. Just over a year ago same-sex marriage was legalized in all 50 states. More jobs were being created. Gas prices were at an all time low since the takeover of the Obama administration. Now this.
I am sad for all of the minorities that now feel as though they are not safe here. I am sad because this country was built on the promise of a better tomorrow, on the promise of freedom. I am sad for the pot of hate that Trump has been stirring since the beginning of his campaign. I am sad that the majority of American people would rather have a racist, xenophobic man who believes he is entitled to sexually assault women over someone...well, else. I hate to break it to you, but you actually only qualify for the "Make America Great Again" movement if you are a rich, straight white man. That's just the plain truth.
Now, I'm not necessarily Pro-Hillary, though she did win my vote. No, I didn't vote for her because she is woman. In fact, most women who voted for Hillary did not vote for her simply because of her gender. Although, I am sure that there are plenty of men out there who voted for Donald Trump because he is a man. We are so blinded by gender and class and backstory, that we fail to look at the candidates based on what and who they represent. Donald Trump does not support minorities. Sure, he may say that he will make America great again for all people, but like most things Trump says, that's a lie. He is going to make America great again for himself.
I truly cannot understand how people can support Trump as the man to run our country. He has said before that "Mexicans are rapists" and that he can "grab women by the pussy" at his own will because he is Donald Trump. He is constantly degrading to the minorities (who, mind you, most likely will not be minorities for much longer). He is a man who is so uncontrollable that he wasn't even trusted with his own Twitter account for the week. How are we supposed to trust someone like that to run this country?
For the rest of my time here in Europe studying abroad, I will have to tell people that I am American. I will have to listen to them speak about how big of a mistake we have made with our election. I will have to tell them that I believe they are right, but there is no more I can do at this point. I should not be ashamed of where I come from because of an election, yet I can't help but feel that way. Today, I am not proud to be an American.