I've been extremely disheartened over the last few days by the recent turmoil, incivilities, and gloom which have taken over our country. I log onto social media sites and I witness family disowning family, friends name calling each other, employees bashing their employers, and disturbing videos of people taking extreme measures to protest what they do not agree with. It's easy to get caught up in the post-election chaos, however I'm choosing now to acknowledge that for every single worry or trouble that I may have today.. I have a million reasons to be undoubtedly thankful.
Today, I am thankful to live in the United States of America where I have a wealth of things to be thankful for. I am thankful for the freedoms which we all as Americans are blessed with. I am thankful for the First Amendment, which gives me the right to sit here and have a voice in society. And I am thankful for the selflessness of the men and women who so wholeheartedly defend these freedoms granted to us.
Today, I am thankful for my family. I am thankful for the endless amount of love and support shown to me by my parents. I am thankful for the sacrifice that my parents make everyday to provide my brothers and me with everything we could ever need. I am thankful for my brothers, my best friends and biggest rivals, who hold the ability to annoy me one minute and have me cracking up laughing the next. I am thankful for my extended family, for my grandmother, aunts, uncles, and cousins- some who may not see eye-to-eye all of the time but who I know will always forgive and continue to support one another.
Today, I am thankful for my friends. I am thankful for my college friends who are just as crazy as me. I am thankful for my roommates who are there for me at all hours of the night. I am thankful for my friends from home who know my biggest flaws and still stick by me. I am thankful for my boyfriend who challenges me every day to be a better version of myself.
Today, I am thankful for abundance of opportunities that I have been presented with. I am thankful to have gone to an amazing high school, one that allowed me to be who I wanted and to succeed at anything I attempted. I am thankful to attend the college that I do, the college that has blessed me with the best friends, experiences, and knowledge. I am thankful for Ireland, the beautiful country in which I had the opportunity to study abroad in and that touched my heart by introducing me to so many great people and opportunities.
Today, I am thankful for this life. I am thankful for the everyday things in life that sometimes go unnoticed. I am thankful for sunshine, music, food on the table, a roof over my head, and for the kindness of strangers. I am thankful for difficult times which help me persevere and for my greatest achievements which have brought me nothing but joy.
Today, I am thankful for today.