Here in Massachusetts they changed the legal age to buy tobacco products from 18, to 21 starting December 31st, 2018. To anyone who was able to buy tobacco products before the law changed, can no longer. Happy New Year!
Ever heard the term "grandfathering"? The Grandfather Clause a.k.a. grandfathering is a clause that is found in some new laws stating that some individuals may not have to abide by the new law because they fall under the guidelines of an old law. In other words, they get an exemption from the new law. However, we were not grandfathered in. Why not?
Recently I went to my local convenience store to purchase a tobacco product. I'm a regular here and the staff has known my family and me for a long time now. After so long they stopped checking my ID because they knew I was over the age of 18. But this time the women who always sells me what I come in for, asked to see my ID…I was kind of confused…she knew I was old enough? She knows me, doesn't she?
She looked at my ID and told me, "no, I cannot sell this to you,"
She points down to this new placemat on the counter stating the new law in bold print "SECTION 6. (b) No person shall sell or provide a tobacco product to a person who is under 21 years of age" (Chapter 157, 2018). I instantly froze up, sort of baffled. I still got what I wanted because luckily, I had someone over 21 with me.
My point here is why are you going to take something away we once were able to obtain? More likely than not we're still getting our hands on it. Not only that, but if we could casually walk into a store and purchase things like lighters, cigarettes, vapes, bongs, etc, how is it fair to just make us wait until the new age to do it all again?
We waited 18 years to be considered an adult and legally allowed to purchase tobacco products. I am currently 20 years old, and for the past 2 years I've consistently purchased some sort of tobacco product. Starting December 31st, 2018 that right was taken from me, along with many others. I now have to wait 5 months until my 21st birthday to earn my legal rights back, while others might have to wait even longer now.
In my opinion this act wasn't enforced throughout a thoughtful process. I feel that the State of Massachusetts didn't think this through in the long run. What the state wanted was kids to stop getting their hands on these products, but all they did was influence them to ask their peers to get what they were once able to obtain. The Common Wealth of Massachusetts calls this "An act protecting youth from the health risks of tobacco and nicotine addiction", but is it really?
"'Smoking simply is killing our kids," said Democratic Rep. Kate Hogan, of Stow. "If young people start smoking before 21, they often become smokers for life.'". Smoking may be killing the kids, but changing the law will not stop them! And to take the rights away from those who were able to purchase before isn't solving anything.
Kids start smoking before the age of 18 all over the world. According to the Center for Disease Control, "Each day in the U.S. about 2,000 youth under 18 years of age smoke their first cigarette and more than 300 youth under 18 years of age become daily cigarette smokers". One way or another, many kids are still obtaining tobacco products. Changing the law did nothing but frustrate the population who waited their turn to legally purchase these products. I think the grandfather clause should fairly be enforced throughout Massachusetts. It is simply our right.