This one’s for all those college kids, who were as lucky as me to find the best friends in the world in high school, and were able to hold on to them despite the miles between them and the months between each visit. To you, I say job well down. And, of course to my own high school friends, who continue to harass me, joke with me, and love me after all these years. Here’s to us.
Here’s to us, keeping in touch despite having completely different lives now. With some of us at school in the East, the West, and everywhere in between, it’s pretty amazing that we all still talk every day. No birthdays are forgotten, and no accomplishments or events left uncelebrated. And here’s to the group text that keeps that all going. The group text that has lasted for three years now and shows no signs of slowing. The group texts that always keeps my lock screen full of notifications and makes me look super popular to all of my college friends. The group texts that ensures I'm never lonely, and always comforted me at any sign of homesickness.
Here’s to the memories and the inside jokes that still get brought up all the time. Here’s to the stories that I tell my friends at school time and time again, until they grab me by the shoulders and tell me to stop. Or, if I’m lucky, the stories that get just a big of a laugh when I retell them as they did when they first happened. And, on the flip side, thank you for not only not getting annoyed when I talk about my life at school, but for listening and caring and being genuinely happy I’m doing well, just like I am for you.And finally, here's to the great times we all still have over breaks. Here's to those great reunions every time we return home. Those overly dramatic running hugs we all do, even though it's only been a couple months since we last saw each other, not several decades like we make it seem. Here's to the sleepovers and parties we have, and the hours we spend just recapping our time away, sharing every pointless detail down to even what we usually eat for breakfast. And here's to those sad goodbyes that seem a whole lot worse than they are, considering it'll only be a few months before the next break.
Overall, here's to us, and all of those friend groups that survived the harsh transitions to college, and came out the other side just as strong. And to all of you seniors out there who don't think you'll be able to part with your best friends and live to tell the tale: you're never really apart. As long as you keep up the texts, calls, FaceTimes, Instagram and Twitter stalkings and Facebook wall spamming; it'll feel like you never left.