You might not know me personally, but this is for you. For whatever reason you clicked on this article you were meant to read it. Whether it was curiosity or if you were looking for a little truth please keep reading.
I wanted to tell you that no matter what you are going through right now it will get better, and I care about you. No one can tell what the future has to hold and that makes it even harder to get through tough times. I do know that whatever is on your mind right now, whatever is giving you stress and anxiety, it is only temporary.
Recently, I had a talk with a friend about where our lives are going and how the plans we made haven't ended up the way we thought they would. Every time we make plans some new obstacle gets in the way of seeing those plans through. The truth is that those weren't our plans to make.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
In high school it was so easy to talk about our dreams and goals in life. It seems like everything you want is right in front of you. One thing people don't often talk about is the time and effort it takes to get there. The truth is that you have to work long hours and sleepless nights to achieve those dreams.
There is so much pressure to know what career you want to pursue before you even get to college. If you want to change your major, take part-time credit hours, or even take a semester off, there is a stigma that these things will set you back. I am here to tell you that the one thing that will set you back the most is not taking care of yourself.
So I hope that in this time of inconsistent plans you will learn that the control is not in your hands, and that you are not alone. Being where society says you should be is not worth the stress and anxiety.
Sincerely, someone who cares