Christmas is nearly upon us again, and as this last week dwindles down and we finish up our shopping, there is so much to think about. Did I get everybody on my list something? Did I get them the right thing? Is this the right size? Will they like it? What are the plans? What time/where at/who's going? But while all of this is going on, how often have we thought about the people who have helped us get these gifts without getting these gifts? The people that will be at the dinner too but not with us enjoying the meal? There are people who Christmas would not be the same without and yet they are not there for Christmas with us. There are people who must work on Christmas.
It's a sad reality that our world must always be run by someone, but it is something to be grateful for that someone will always be there to do it.
So as someone who is working on Christmas Eve, and who understands what time means during the holidays, I am saying thank you to those who will be working on Christmas this year.
Thank you for the gift of selflessly taking care of others. That's truly in the spirit of Christmas.