As a self-declared artist and visionary, I often times sit on important decisions. While most people would consider this a very good trait to have, I can't help but wonder if it's hurting me. Recently I changed my major. While I'm still in the same college (switching from legal studies to political science) it's a new territory for me.
I sat on this decision for a good two semesters. It started with my desire to teach abroad, and it ended with my definite gut and heart feeling. My dad was leery at first, but soon grew admirable of my mature decision. My mom however, is still not keen on my change in the middle of my junior year. While I love the two contrasts, it still makes me uncertain of my future.
Many, if not everyone, has had to face a life-changing decision at least once in their lives. Uncertainty is inevitable in everyday life, and sometimes it can drive us mad. While sitting on my decision to change my major, I weighed the pros and cons of my decision. The pros were simple. I knew what I wanted, and some of that included: Learning a language, teaching English abroad and working an embassy job sometime in my future. The cons were a lot more daunting for me.
The cons included the obvious: Is this the right decision, will I actually be able to find a job and will I be living at home until age 40? While writing my con list, it became larger the more I began to worry. I started to tell myself that life is one big uncertainty, and I'm in the most uncertain time of my life — college. The most successful people in history had to overcome a massive con list, ignore the critics and move forward with their dreams. Nothing in life happens without a risk, and how can one take a risk if they don't try?
Sometimes in life, we're all alone. Even though we have support in a general sense, no one around you understands what's happening in your life on a personal level. Making decisions is a process in which we are often alone, and only we deal with the consequences of our decisions. We can decide whether or not to let in outside influence, but after all of that, we normally do what we want anyways. This can gain you a lot of support, or make a lot of people angry with you. In my case, I got both of those things.
The lesson in life that I've always been reminded of is this: only you can change what you don't like. There is never a change too big or too small that isn't worth the risk. It is never too late or too early to make this change. Don't let outside influences dictate what you do in your life. At the end of the day, you're alone. You have to be able to live with yourself, and be happy about the things you've done in your life.
All of this can be summed up in one amazing quote by Aldous Huxley, "There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self." If you're sitting on a decision, big or small, make it right now. If you're not happy with your life and where it's going, change it. Don't like the school you're at? Change it. Take that deep breath and take a step forward. Change is a terrifying thing, but it can make lives so much better.