To the people who never stopped believe in me,
Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, I mean it. Because if it weren't for you, I don't think I'd be where I am today. If it weren't for your constant act of persistence, I wouldn't believe in myself half as much as I do now, and I definitely would be having major self-confidence issues. Not like everyone doesn't have that voice saying, "you can't do it" in the back of their head, but I think I am that person who needed an extra push throughout middle school and high school to get me where I am today.
Whether it was my parents, my sister, my teachers, my coaches, trainers, or even my sorority last year, you guys have truly shaped me into the person I am today. I say that with complete truth, and mean every part of it. I think we all have those weak moments, and sometimes we need someone to tell us we're wrong. Sometimes, we have to turn off that negative voice that's telling us no. For me, that voice pops up often when I'm running long distance. But facts have proven that it is humanly possible to run for approximately three hours without stopping. I guess my point is to show that little voice wrong. Be above that voice that is telling you no, prove to yourself you can do whatever your heart pleases you to do.
First off, I need to thank my mother. Thank you, mom, for being my number one, ultimate, most supportive person in my life. You have never once doubted me, and you have never once told me if I set my mind to something, that I wouldn't be able to achieve it. You know it already, but you are my role model. You are the voice in my head that tells me I can do something. If I set a goal, I can do it. I can do anything I set my mind to, and you are the reason why I believe so much in myself. I remember that one time in 7th grade I was doing so bad in school and I had never felt like it was humanly possible to be able to achieve grades higher than a C. You proved me wrong. Well, you made me show myself that I was wrong. You were that voice in my head telling me I can do anything. You proved me wrong. You helped me prove myself wrong.
As I went through harder phases in my life, my mom was always there for me to tell me I can do it. But so were my friends, coaches, sister, dad, and sorority. Being a part of something helped me to realize that I am better than what I make myself out to be. I am so beyond thankful for those simple, sweet words of "you can do it." Without them, I may not have started out at a four-year university, I may not have scored that goal, I may not have gotten better grades in middle school.
As cheesy as it sounds, it's those people and those words that make all the difference. It's people pushing you to be a better you that makes you look back and wonder why you ever questioned yourself in the first place. But in the end, it's you who makes you a better you. After everything is said and done, it is you who can change the way you look in the mirror and start your day. You are the change you want to see for yourself. There is nothing I have learned more in these past five years in high school and college. You are the only person who can change your mindset, but it all starts with that one person who says "you can do it." So thank you, to those people who always told me I could. Truly, I owe it all to you.