I am by no means a famous writer. My poetry still hasn't been accepted into a literary magazine and I have yet to finish any novels. I don't know if I'll ever finish a novel. I don't know if my poetry will ever be published. Despite this, a few of you consistently read the articles I write.
I could ask why a thousand times, but there will never be a point in it. The fact of the matter is that you do, and I am unbelievably grateful. I am amazed that some of you take the time out of your day to read what I put serious thought into. It encourages me to keep on pursuing what I love. It builds my confidence as a Creator. It makes me feel validated.
If you're not an artist, you might not understand. Being praised for your work is easily one of the best feelings in the world. The thing you created is appreciated. It's not discarded to the waste bin or erased from the page. Real humans are looking at and having reactions to it. That's incredible.
Think of when you get a good grade on a project you slaved over, or your boss congratulates you for pushing through a tough day on the job. That feeling of pride you get, that little flicker of joy in your chest, that's what artists feel when you compliment their work. But it's ten times stronger. It's indescribable. Unlike school and unlike work, we create because it's what makes us feel alive. It's what makes us feel whole. Creating is a necessary part of human existence for artists. It's like caffeine, which a majority of us are also addicted to.
Even if you don't think a like on social media means much, to an artist, it's a little victory. It's a reminder that what we do doesn't go unnoticed. I, personally, am flattered if I even get five likes on an article I post to Facebook. You guys pay attention! It's a miracle. I understand that reading is far more time-consuming than buying a handmade key chain or looking at a piece of art, but when you do take the time to do so, it means the world to me.
Us writers have grown accustomed to being swept under the rug. We know that reading isn't everyone's favorite, yet we continue to write. We write if no one is watching. We write even if no one will ever read it. But when someone does read it, it all feels worth it. The rejected drafts, the crossed out ideas, the inability to find the word to finish a paragraph or even a sentence, all that is worth it.
From the bottom of my caffeine-run heart, I thank you. All artists thank you for paying attention to their work, even if it's the slightest smile and nod.